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Step 2: Determining Who Will Conduct the Review

This “step” is more of a series of related checks to help determine both 1) Who will conduct the review, and 2) Which procedures will apply to the review, based on the faculty member’s university appointment(s).


A. Identify who will oversee the review:

  1. Admin or Not-Admin

  2. Joint Appointments

B. Evaluation committees

C. Path of Review

A. Who Will Oversee Review:

A closer look at the “Who” of the review will help determine the “How” of the review.

In general, CPRs will be conducted within a faculty member’s department and involve the department chair. Beginning in 24-25, the CPR will route from the department to the dean’s level for review and final ratings. However, there are two other factors that would vary review procedures: Admin roles and joint faculty appointments.

A.1: Admin or Not Admin

At different points along the process, the procedures differ depending whether or not the reviewee holds, or has held, an administrative appointment for at least one academic year during the period of CPR evaluation. (See Definitions)

Some examples of how this could play out, based on the Guidelines:


An Associate Professor goes up for promotion to Full in AY18-19 and is successful.

Their first CPR as Professor will take place in AY24-25--sixth year in new rank--and will cover 19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23, and 23-24.

  • Scenario 1: Appointed as Associate Dean starting at the beginning of Fall 2022 through the end of AY26-27.

    • Result: They’ll be reviewed as an Admin.

  • Scenario 2: Appointed as Interim Dean for AY22-23 only.

    • Result: They’ll be reviewed as a Former Admin.

  • Scenario 3: Appointed as Department Chair effective Fall 2024.

    • Result: They’ll be reviewed as a Not-Admin.

These are just a few examples, but essentially, you’ll want to check the reviewee’s appointments (faculty jobs in WD) during the review period for the CPR and make sure to identify any Admin roles; i.e., A&P positions held, though not including “Faculty Associate” or “Program Director (Academic).” (See Definitions)

  • Note: The reviewee also should help identify any relevant Admin appointments.

If any of your department’s faculty qualifies as an Admin or Former Admin, you will want to identify the Admin Supervisor for the appointment(s).


 In the examples above, the Admin Supervisor for Scenario 1 would be the Dean.

In Scenario 2, the Admin Supervisor would be the Provost.

To sum up:

  1. Look at the reviewee’s appointments during the period under review for the CPR;

    1. If they have or have had an A&P appointment of at least 1 AY (two consecutive long semesters) during the review period meeting the Admin definition, you will need to follow Admin (or Former Admin) procedures.

    2. If they have not had a qualifying Admin appointment, they will follow Not Admin procedures.

  2. For any Admins or Former Admins identified, you will need to figure out who their Admin Supervisor(s) were during the time of their appointment;

    1. The Guidelines explain what to do if the Admin Supervisor has changed since the Admin appointment. (see 5.b.2.ii.)

A.2: Joint Appointments

(See Definitions)

Similar to the Admin check, but not the same.

  1. Are any of the faculty members due for CPR jointly appointed?

    1. If yes, then, per the Guidelines (sec. 5.b.), both departments will be responsible for the review.

      1. If the joint appointment involves more than one college or school, then both department chairs and both deans are supposed to agree upon the members of the evaluation committee.

      2. After setting up the committee, it is expected that the two chairs will establish how the review will proceed, though it is generally expected that the review will proceed via the “primary” department and college. Both chairs are expected to provide input regarding the “chair” evaluation step.

        1. In cases of 50-50 joint appointments, the chairs are permitted to determine which department will lead the review process and may allow input from the faculty member in determining this.


B. Evaluation Committees

This article does not intend to duplicate everything included within the Guidelines; sec. 5.b. contains full details about peer review committees and their formation. Below, we highlight a few important points:

  • The Guidelines specify that CPR committees should include a minimum of three tenured Professors.

  • Additional variables:

    • If Joint: Members of committee should include reps from both departments, determined by both chairs (and both deans, if applicable).

    • If Former Admin: Members of committee should be appointed by the current (or former) Admin Supervisor along with the department chair(s).

      • Must include at least one Full from Former Admin’s primary department & at least one Full who is also an Admin reporting to the Admin Supervisor. (There are additional contingencies spelled out in Guidelines (5.b.ii.1&2), as needed, for all of the Admin-related CPRs.)

    • If Current Admin (full-time): Members of committee should be appointed by the Admin Supervisor.

      • Must include at least one Full from Admin’s primary department & at least one Full who is also an Admin reporting to same Admin Supervisor.

    • If Current Admin (part-time): Members of committee should be appointed by the Admin Supervisor along with chair(s).

      • Essentially same as Former Admin, above. 

      • “Part-time” means anything less than 100% paid in the A&P position; e.g., Associate Deans in COLA are full-time (100% paid as Admin), but Department Chairs in COLA are part-time (0% paid as Admin).



  • Since chairs cannot supervise themselves, any Department Chair who serves as chair of the department where they are also a faculty member has their faculty job transferred (by EVPP) to report directly to the Dean, in WD. With both the 0 FTE Admin job and the 1.0 FTE faculty job both reporting to the Admin Supervisor--COLA Dean, in this case--the review would proceed like “Current Admin (full-time)”.

    • Ex. Chair of Anthropology (0.0 FTE, reporting to Dean) and Professor of Anthropology (1.0 FTE, reporting to Dean)

  • However, Admins who are chairs of departments where they are not a paid faculty member will follow the “Current Admin (part-time)” process.

    • Ex. Chair of Slavic and Eurasian Studies (0.0 FTE, reporting to Dean) and Professor of History (1.0 FTE, reporting to HIST Chair)

  • And, in the event a joint-appointed faculty member is chair of one of their two departments, presumably the CPR would also follow the “Current Admin (part-time)” process. Caveat: As of early Sept. 2024 we’re not certain of how this will play out but we should be able to confirm soonish.

    • Ex. Chair of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (0.0 FTE, reporting to Dean) and Professor of English (0.5 FTE reporting to ENGL Chair) and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (0.5 FTE reporting to Dean).

C. Path of Review

The information gathered in the previous steps will inform how the CPR will progress through levels of review. Will also lay out basic responsibilities for each level.


Initial Review

Chair or Admin Supervisor Review

Dean’s Review (if applicable)

  1. Not-Admin, Single Department

Initial Review:

  1. BC/EC or similar department-level tenured evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls)

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chair.

Chair’s Review:

  1. Department Chair reads report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

    1. If does not agree with report and/or ratings, writes a separate statement that includes alternate rating(s) and “clearly articulates the basis for disagreement.”

    2. If does agree with report and ratings, may provide an additional statement (optional);

  2. Chair sends results to reviewee and—via their department manager—to COLA HR for Dean’s Review.

    1. Department manager should complete the top part and first two columns (“Department” and “Chair”) of the COLA CPR Summary Form and include it as the cover page of CPR packet. (See Step 5 tab for submission details.)

Dean’s Review:

  1. COLA Dean reads report & any accompanying statements; 

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chair).

    1. COLA HR will update Summary Form as part of finalizing the CPR.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after dean’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Reports results to Provost’s Office

  1. Not-Admin, Joint Appointment

  • If Primary and/or both departments are in COLA, follow this process.

  • If Primary department is in another College or School, follow their procedures.

  • Note: If reviewee’s primary faculty appointment is outside of COLA, then Dean’s Review will occur outside of COLA, and we will be notified of the result.

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, representing both departments);

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chairs.

Chair’s Review: Note: Chairs have the option to determine rating jointly or to allow one or other to serve in Chair role.

  1. Department Chair(s) read(s) report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

    1. If does not agree with report and/or ratings, writes a separate statement that includes alternate rating(s) and “clearly articulates the basis for disagreement.”

    2. If does agree with report and ratings, may provide an additional statement (optional);

  2. Chair(s) send(s) results to reviewee and—via their department managers—to COLA HR for Dean’s Review.

    1. Only one department manager should complete the top part and first two columns (“Department” and “Chair”) of the COLA CPR Summary Form and include it as the cover page of CPR packet. (See Step 5 tab for submission details.) But both departments should have all of the documents for their records.

Dean’s Review:

  1. COLA Dean reads report & any accompanying statements; 

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chairs, & Dean of Joint CSU, if applicable).

    1. COLA HR will update Summary Form as part of finalizing the CPR.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after dean’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Reports results to Provost’s Office

  1. Admin, Single or Joint Appointment

  • Full-time or part-time Admins (as described in section B “Evaluation Committees”) determine how the committees are formed. This review path applies to full-time Admins, as well as part-time Admins where it is decided the review should occur outside of (but in collaboration with) the department(s).

  • If Joint, refer to the “Not-Admin, Joint” section above, re: more than one CSU.

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, including at least one other direct report to Admin Supervisor and at least one representative from reviewee’s academic department(s).)

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Admin Supervisor.

Admin Supervisor’s Review: In nearly all cases, the Admin Supervisor will provide the supervisor (and final) level of review. [If for some reason Admin Supervisor determines review via Chair(s) would be more appropriate, then proceed as in Not-Admin Chair and Dean steps.]

  1. The Admin Supervisor reads initial committee report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chair(s), and Dean(s), if Admin Supervisor is not part of COLA, or if reviewee is Joint in another CSU.).

    1. COLA HR will take care of creating and finalizing the COLA CPR Summary Form for the review.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after Admin Supervisor’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Results will be reported to the Provost’s Office.

COLA Dean will either be the Admin Supervisor for review or receive the review results from the Admin Supervisor.

  1. Former Admin, Single or Joint Appointment


Current, part-time Admin, whose faculty job does not report 100% to COLA Dean

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, including direct report to Admin Supervisor, and one or both departments, depending on if joint);

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chair(s) or Admin Supervisor, as applicable.

Chair(s) and/or Admin Supervisor’s review: Depending on the individual circumstances, Chair(s) and Admin Supervisor will determine in advance who will be responsible for the “Supervisor’s” level review.

  1. If Chair(s) are serving as main supervisor, then proceed as in “Not-Admin” single or joint appointment scenario ‘Chair’ and ‘Dean’ steps.

  2. If Admin Supervisor is serving as primary supervisor for review, proceed as in Admin scenario ‘Admin Supervisor’ step.

