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Send a message to write_to_tape contributors ‘closing write to tape’ and requesting notification when all in progress additions have completed:

When contributors acknowledge they are no longer adding to write_to_tape, check the write_to_tape size again in bytes. If it roughly equals 5TB, then rename the folder to vault. If it exceeds 5TB, then move the first 5TB in write_to_tape, in ascending order by name, to a new directory named vault.

When vault has 5TB, and the dps volume has available capacity for new additions[1], create a write_to_tape folder if it does not exist, then send a message to contributors that write_to_tape is open for business again. Otherwise, run this step when dps has available capacity for new additions.

In your terminal, run in the background a no hang up process for finding all files in /dps/vault, executing a check sum command for each file, and outputting the results to file name dps-vault-manifest.txt in your temp directory. This process takes a while and may run over night, so either shell into dev to run this process, or lock, instead of logging out of, your machine at the end of day.


# nohup find vault/ -type f -exec cksum {} \; >> /mnt/c/LOCAL/temp/dps-vault-manifest.txt &

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Figure 3 - Substitute paths where appropriate

To check your long running process, in the terminal, either run top

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 and look for the find or cksum command or ps -f | grep cksum

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 You can view the manifest progress with tail

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 or in your desktop’s previewer, or watch the file size grow in a finder or file explorer view.


[1] We generally want 10% (1.7TB) or more available capacity. A useful Unix command to display the capacity of a mounted volume is df –h /dps.