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Graduate Student Instructor Program

Graduate student instructors (TAs and AIs) contribute greatly to the level of teaching excellence at UT Austin.  Because GSIs work so closely with undergraduates, your effectiveness as a teacher is vital to their academic success.  As you become a more accomplished teacher, you will enrich your interactions with students and build valuable skills for your future professional life. 


A State Disabled Parking Permit is honored on campus, and specific areas are set aside for disabled parking on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  A University Disabled Permit is required in addition to the State Permit or license plates during these times.  Please be sure to read the signs and park in a space designated for disabled parking. 

Technical and Computer Support


Public Transportation

Many students opt to use public transportation instead of driving to and parking on campus. UT shuttle buses provide free transportation in certain residential areas to and from the UT campus, as well as transportation within the campus. Students may also ride the Capital Metro buses, MetroRail, and MetroRapid free of charge by using their UT ID card.


The University ITS Help and Service Desk provides students, faculty, and staff at The University of Texas at Austin with a centralized point of contact for computer help, questions concerning ITS services and navigating IT at The University.

The College of Education Information Technology Office offers a wide range of computer facilities and tech support services for College of Education students, faculty, and staff.  During open lab hours, students may sit down at a computer work-station and log in with their EID.   The ITO is not typically open in between semesters.  Other ITO services include computer facilities, equipment checkout and delivery to classrooms (including video camera checkout to use for interview/assessment recordings), computer/technical support, laptop and software assistance, a student study/collaboration /recharge area, laser printing, videoconferencing, and technical tutorials.  Students can also check out video cameras to record their test administrations and therapy sessions.

The Flawn Academic Center (FAC) is located west of the Tower, between the Main Building and the Texas Union.   The FAC also houses the Campus Computer Store.  This store offers greatly reduced pricing on a wide variety of software packages for both Mac and PC users, as well as new computers and other technology. 

Many Some Educational Psychology classes require students to use one of a variety of statistical software packages. These packages are available at Check with your Program Area Chair and your instructor to see whether or not there are licenses available for students to utilize. If purchase is required, be sure to check the Campus Computer Store .  For example, SPSS, a widely used programfor software discounts (SPSS, for example, can be rented for a 1-year period for approximately $100.  The retail price for this program is around $1000.  SPSS can also be or purchased for download at a reduced price for students.

The University ITS Help and Service Desk provides students, faculty, and staff at The University of Texas at Austin with a centralized point of contact for computer help, questions concerning ITS services and navigating IT at The University.

UT Shuttle Buses and Rail

Many students opt to use the UT shuttle buses instead of driving to and parking on campus.  The shuttle buses provide free transportation in certain residential areas to and from the UT campus, as well as transportation within the campus. With their UT identification card, students may also ride the Capital Metro buses, MetroRail, and MetroRapid free of charge).