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Step 2: Observations. A focused and purposeful inquiry into observable individual and group behaviors in a specific class to help both instructor and observer “see” teaching and learning from a different perspective. More than one peer observation is expected. EDP expects multiple observations across multiple courses (at different levels), if possible. If the faculty member is only teaching one course during the year due to substantial buyout/administrative responsibilities, that course should be observed multiple times. Each reviewer should attend 2-3 class sessions to observe individual and group behaviors in a specific class, as well as to gain a thorough understanding of the instructor’s interactions with the class.

Step 3: Post-Observation. The post-observation is a follow-up meeting of between the observer(s) and instructor to bring impressions from the materials’ review and observation together in a mutual conversation about teaching and learning.

Step 4: Reflective Summary. A reflective summary is a brief, written analysis by the instructor and possibly the peer observer of what was learned about teaching and student learning. It is an opportunity to turn teaching experience into learning.  Peer Teaching Observation Report – A written report of the faculty member’s teaching should be drafted, including comments on what the instructor does well and suggested areas for improvement. A list of observations conducted (with course, observer, and date) should also be included.   

Components of a Peer Teaching Observation Report
