Software | Description | in common.yaml | listed in library() |
abind | GNU R package “Combine multi-dimensional arrays” | y | y |
ade4 | GNU R package “Analysis of Ecological Data : Exploratory | y | |
ape | GNU R package “Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution” | y | |
bitops | GNU R package implementing bitwise operations | y | |
blogdown | Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown | y | y |
bookdown | Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown | y | y |
catools | GNU R package “Tools: moving window statistics, GIF, | y | y |
car | Companion to Applied Regression | y | y |
cargo | y | ||
cluster | GNU R package for cluster analysis by Rousseeuw et al | y | |
colourpicker | A Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots | y | y |
cowplot | Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2' | y | y |
curl | A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R | y | y |
data.table | GNU R package “Extension of data.frame” | y | |
dbi | GNU R package “R Database Interface” | ||
dbplyr | R Database Interface | y | y |
dendextend | Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R | y | |
dichromat | Color schemes for dichromats | y | |
digest | GNU R package “Create Cryptographic Hash Digests of R | y | |
emmeans | Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means | y | y |
evaluate | GNU R package “Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide | y | |
fivethirtyeight | Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight' | y | y |
forcats | Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at 'FiveThirtyEight' | y | y |
foreach | Provides Foreach Looping Construct | y | y |
futile.logger | GNU R package “A Logging Utility for R” | y | |
futile.options | GNU R package “Futile options management” | y | |
gdata | GNU R package “Various R Programming Tools for Data | y | |
getopt | GNU R package “C-like getopt behavior.” | ||
gganimate | A Grammar of Animated Graphics | y | y |
GGally | Extension to 'ggplot2' | y | y |
ggExtra | Add Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements | y | y |
ggplot2 | GNU R package “An Implementation of the Grammar of | y | |
ggpubr | 'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots | y | y |
ggrepel | Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with 'ggplot2' | y | y |
ggsci | Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for 'ggplot2' | y | y |
ggsignif | Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2' | y | y |
gifski | Highest Quality GIF Encoder | y | y |
glmnet | Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models | y | y |
gplots | GNU R package “Various R Programming Tools for Plotting | y | |
gridSVG | Export 'grid' Graphics as SVG | y | y |
gt | Build display tables from tabular data with an easy-to-use set of functions | y | |
gtable | GNU R package “Arrange grobs in tables.” | y | |
gtools | GNU R package “Various R Programming Tools” | y | |
haven | Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files | y | y |
igraph | Network Analysis and Visualization | y | y |
interactions | Comprehensive, User-Friendly Toolkit for Probing Interactions | y | y |
jpeg | Read and write JPEG images | y | y |
labeling | GNU R package “Axis Labeling” | y | |
lambda.r | GNU R package “Modeling Data with Functional Programming” | y | |
lattice | GNU R package “Lattice Graphics” | y | |
latticeExtra | Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice | y | y |
leaps | GNU R package “regression subset selection” | y | y |
libssl-dev | prereq? | y | |
libcairo2-dev | perreq? | y | |
libxt-dev | prereq? | y | |
libgmp10 | prereq? | y | |
libgmp-dev | prereq? | y | |
libmpfr6 | prereq? | y | |
libmpfr-dev | prereq? | y | |
lme4 | GNU R package for linear mixed effects model fitting | y | y |
locfit | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation | y | y |
lubridate | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier | y | y |
matrix | GNU R package of classes for dense and sparse matrices | y | |
matrixstats | R package “Methods that apply to rows and columns of a matrix” | y | |
mirbase.db | miRBase: the microRNA database | y | |
mixdist | Finite Mixture Distribution Models | y | y |
modelr | Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe | y | y |
multcomp | Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models | y | y |
munsell | GNU R package “Munsell colour system” | y | |
mvtnorm | Multivariate Normal and t Distributions | y | y |
network | Classes for Relational Data | y | y |
nlme | GNU R package for (non-)linear mixed effects models | y | |
nloptr | R Interface to NLopt | y | y |
ontologyIndex | Functions for Reading Ontologies into R | y | y |
optparse | GNU R package “Command line option parser.” | ||
permute | GNU R package “Functions for Generating Restricted | ||
pheatmap | Pretty Heatmaps | y | y |
pbkrtest | Parametric Bootstrap and Kenward Roger Based Methods for Mixed Model Comparison | y | y |
plotly | Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js' | y | y |
plotROC | Generate Useful ROC Curve Charts for Print and Interactive Use | y | y |
plotrix | GNU R package “Various plotting functions” | y | y |
plyr | GNU R package “Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining | y | |
polynom | A Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations | y | y |
proto | GNU R package “Prototype object-based programming” | y | y |
quantmod | Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework | y | y |
quantreg | Quantile Regression | y | y |
r.methodss3 | GNU R package “Utility function for defining S3 methods” | y | |
rcolorbrewer | GNU R package providing suitable color palettes | y | |
rcpp | GNU R package “Seamless R and C++ Integration” | y | |
rcurl | GNU R package “General Network (HTTP/FTP/…) Client | y | |
relimp | GNU R package “Relative Contribution of Effects in a | y | |
reshape2 | GNU R package “Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the | y | y |
reticulate | Interface to 'Python' | y | y |
rggobi | GNU R package for the GGobi data visualization system | y | |
rgl | GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation using OpenGL | ||
rgtk2 | GNU R binding for Gtk2 | ||
rmpi | GNU R package interfacing MPI libraries for distributed computing | y | |
RMySQL | Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R | y | y |
ROCR | Visualizing the Performance of Scoring Classifiers | y | y |
rserve | GNU R Rserve tcp/ip server and sample clients | y | |
rstatix | Pipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests | y | y |
rsqlite | GNU R package “SQLite Interface for R” | y | |
rvest | Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages | y | y |
scales | GNU R package “Scale Functions for Visualization” | y | |
scatterplot3d | GNU R package “3D Scatter Plot” | y | y |
servr | A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents | y | y |
Seurat | Tools for Single Cell Genomics | y | y |
shape | Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors | y | y |
shiny | Web Application Framework for R | y | y |
shinyjs | Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds | y | y |
Signac | A framework for the analysis of single-cell chromatin data | y | |
sna | Tools for Social Network Analysis | y | y |
sp | GNU R package “Classes and Methods for Spatial Data” | ||
sqldf | Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL | y | y |
statnet.common | Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software | y | y |
stringr | GNU R package “Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common | y | |
tcltk2 | GNU R package “Tcl/Tk Additions” | y | y |
testthat | GNU R package “Testthat code. Tools to make testing fun | y | |
tibble | Simple Data Frames | y | y |
tidyr | Tidy Messy Data | y | y |
tidyverse | Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' | y | y |
transformr | Polygon and Path Transformations | y | y |
vegan | GNU R package “Community Ecology Package” | ||
VennDiagram | Generate High-Resolution Venn and Euler Plots | y | y |
VGAM | Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models | y | y |
vioplot | Violin Plot | y | y |
xfun | Miscellaneous Functions by 'Yihui Xie' | y | y |
xml | GNU R package “Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within | y | y |
xtable | GNU R coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables | y |