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Table of Contents

Tiered Ingest allows you to group all of the files corresponding to a simple asset's datastreams (including archival files, publication files, other derivatives created outside of Islandora, with the exception of RELS-EXT) into a sub-directory.



DO NOT use any of theĀ Restricted Datastream IDs.

<ARGUMENT>Value AssociatedPurposeAccepted File TypesAdditional Notes
MODSMODS XML file nameprovide MODS metadata for an assetxmlCan be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.
TNthumbnail image file nameprovide a thumbnail picture for an assetpng, jpg, jpeg

Can be used for publication/series-level assets, book and issue-level assets.

If no thumbnail is provided during batch ingest, the DAMS will copy the thumbnail image of the first page of the asset to the book/issue level asset.

FULL_TEXT_CUSTOMname of text file with externally created full text (text extracted from PDF)allows you to provide your own FULL_TEXT datastream for a book/issuetxt

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.


Use only for assets where the primary source file is a PDF document and for full text produced with pdftotext. See page _Text extraction in DAMS for details on the different text extraction/recognition methods.

PDFname of your pdf filePDF for resourcepdf

Can be used for book/issue-level assets.

Use to add an externally created PDF document to an asset.


If no page images are specified in the manifest, the DAMS will render image files from the pages of the PDF document and use these images to create page-level assets.

For digitally reformatted (scanned) content, using a PDF as a source for creating page images is strongly discouraged, as the automatically created page images are almost invariably of lower quality than the original scan images. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

For born-digital content (for instance modern PDF ebooks or PDF documents directly exported from a word processor), other content models and ingest processes will be more appropriate. Contact the DAMS managers for a consultation (click here to submit a DAMS service request).

OBJ==primaryfile.ext [designation of primary file is at digital stewardship staff discretion, in consultation with requesting content holder]
