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All content provided by the project is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported LicenseTo see how to cite the Fishes of Texas Project go here. In addition to citing the Fishes of Texas project, our data donors require that they be specifically acknowledged or cited as well when their data are used. Please use our comments forms or email to provide us citations (in RIS or other standard format if possible) and PDF's of products resulting from use of this data.

Materials in our digital library can be used under these same terms. However, illustrations provided by Joseph Tomelleri are used here with the explicit permission of Mr. Tomelleri, who retains the copyright. Users of this site must contact him for permission to use any images available here. See Mr. Tomelleri's website for more information.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any inquiry about any aspect of data management or quality. We hope that by making this resource available to diverse users they will help us find and correct errors and generally improve it, and so we welcome all kinds of comments.