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Homework - expand this section for the assignment
Homework - expand this section for the assignment

Go to this web page and call variants from real human genomes from the 1000 genomes project.
Helpful hint: start this early - it involves some long run times at TACC.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you must use "-a BME2012" with the command.

Tuesday Nov. 13th

  • Results of variant calling
  • SNP Annotation
  • Reference databasesReview NGS - from cellular DNA to variant data
  • Review results of variant calling - for these examples, Start IGV, load the genome, "Human (1kg, b37+)", load the three NA*.bam files (the corresponding *.bai must exist in the same directory).
    Code Block
    titleCommand to view the contents of a sorted (by genome coordinates) BAM file
    samtools view NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20111114.bam | head
    Examine the first read of the file which matches at genome position chr20:59993
    • Examine a pileup in text and in IGV
      Code Block
      titleCommand to generate a "pileup" - data oriented in "genome coordinates" by genome base-pair
      samtools mpileup -f ref/hs37d5.fa NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20111114.bam | more
      Examine the area around chr20:60614
    • Examine a variant in text and in IGV
      Code Block
      titleCommand to call variants
      samtools mpileup -uf ref/hs37d5.fa NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20111114.bam | bcftools view -vcg - | more
      - look at the SNP at base 76771
      Examine the SNP at chr20:76771
  • SNP Annotation
  • Reference databases (if time permits)