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Now, let's take a closer look at what we just did.  Check out the "ripseeker_script.R" file by using cat or less:

Code Block
sourceinstall.packages(lib=""), biocLite(pkgs="./RIPSeeker_1.4.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
library(RIPSeeker, lib.loc="./lib")
bamFiles = list.files(".", "\\.bam$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
ripGal=combineAlignGals(bamFiles[2], genomeBuild="hg19")
ctlGal=combineAlignGals(bamFiles[1], genomeBuild="hg19")

genomeBuild = "hg19"
outDir <- file.path(getwd())
reverseComplement = FALSE
uniqueHit = FALSE
assignMultihits = FALSE
rerunWithDisambiguatedMultihits = FALSE

seekOut.AGO2 <- ripSeek(bamPath = bamFiles, cNAME = cNAME, reverseComplement = FALSE, genomeBuild = "hg19", \
uniqueHit = FALSE, assignMultihits = FALSE, rerunWithDisambiguatedMultihits = FALSE, binSize=binSize, outDir=outDir)

Let's go through this section by section.  First, we need to get the RIPSeeker packages from Bioconductor and load them into R.

Code Block
> sourceinstall.packages(lib="")
> biocLite("RIPSeeker", pkgs="./RIPSeeker_1.4.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
> library(RIPSeeker, lib.loc="./lib")

Then, we need to read in the BAM files we're going to use with their paths and use the RIPSeeker (or rather GenomicRanges) function "combineAlignGals" to generate a "gapped alignment" object in R using hg19 genomic and contig coordinates.
