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Project Members

Marcie Legarde


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RUBRIC (Work in Progress, to be deleted):

Summary(Parent Page)*
This is the main page of your report and acts as a front page and hub for the rest of theproject.You
should include your team members, abrief backgroundandproblem statement,an imageof your final
build,yourfinal video, and a Table of Contents that links to all other pages.Ensure that your main
page isclear and containsthe overall ideaof your project (usingphotosand the final video)for a viewer
quickly browsing through all the project pages.InitialProposal*
This part is already completed fromthe previous assignment. No need to add anything extra.Design Process*
brainstorming,early iterationsthat differ from your final design, andany iterations thatmade it off
the drawing board.We want to see the way you thought through this problem.Kinematic Analysis*
Thispagepresentsthekinematicanalysisfor all important parts of your project.Diagrams andother
graphicsshine here.Implementation
Use this page to tell usthe details ofhow you completed your project. You should consider a section
on fabrication and assembly,electronics andcircuitry, and software development.FinalDemonstrationShow off your final design here including photosand videofrom demo day.Conclusions & Future Work
Tell us how your project went. Did you accomplish your objectives?What would you do next to take
your design to the next level?Youshould include asection for lessons learned,anyfuture workideas,
tips for future groups, and any acknowledgementsyou want to make. Youracknowledgements should
bespecificpeoplewho directly contributed to your project and/orthe experience. This can include
students in other groups, specific TIW or UT staff, or labs/faculty,grad-studentsthat gave you access
to resourcesor advice.*These sectionswill contain information from yourProposal andPrototype assignmentsbutmight also include
any changes you make to your designup to the final demonstration