Versions Compared


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A healthy taste of resources available, specifically for this course - not a comprehensive catalog.

Table of Contents








  • Comparison of different aligners
    • by Heng Li, developer of bwa, samtools, and many other bioinformatics tools
  • File formats
  • Aligners
  • The BioITeam has some TACC-aware alignment scripts you might find useful:
    • bwa alignment
      • /work2/projects/BioITeam/common/script/
    • bowtie2 alignment
      • /work2/projects/BioITeam/common/script/
    • merging sorted BAM files (read-group aware)
      • /work2/projects/BioITeam/common/script/
    • kallisto pseudo-alignment to annotated transcripts
      • /work2/projects/BioITeam/common/script/
    • also available on many BRCF pods under /mnt/bioi/script.
    • email or come talk to Anna if you have questions or problems


File formats and conversion
