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Comment: Added notes for 2/18 ADWG meeting


Discussion of Princeton's Finding aid systemAmy, Beth, Esther, Paloma
  • Liked the integration of digital content and ability to sort results
  • How are comments intended to be used? Moderated? No parameters present. More work for staff?
Discussion of Briscoe Center public service moving to the BensonStephanie Malmros, Carla, Amy, Esther, Beth
  • Through next December
  • Items paged every half hour
  • Appointment based
  • Smaller space: fewer reference materials
  • Beth: other projects on hold? Stephanie: exhibits will be conducted at LBJ, must functions can continue
  • Beth: biggest improvement? Stephanie: Reading room up to date, dedicated classroom space, flexible spaces, exhibit space
  • Front desk staff have been getting some complaints- researchers don't care about exhibit space, feel it is unnecessary
  • More finding aids are now available online for researchers
Skype call with Alexis Antracoli, Archivist, Mudd Library, Princeton UniversityAlexis, Paloma
  • Introductory info:
    • Works at Mudd manuscript library, which is part of rare books and special collectins
    • Took job in July 2015
    • Oversees technical services, digitization and electronic records
  • Paloma question: Background of project? Alexis answer:
    • Mudd converted to EAD in around 2006
    • New site was launched in 2012
    • Old site had less functionality, displayed EAD
    • New site: better functionality, allows access in a variety of ways, can look at finding aids whole or use search to find stuff at each level of description.
    • Can easily attach digital items to finding aids
    • Can do on-demand digitization and then attached items to finding aid
    • Can sort on date, title, box #'s, etc.
    • Simple and advanced search
    • Topics page
    • Use eac-cpf records (data is pulled from finding aids automatically using a script written at Firestone)
    • Involved in SNAC and want to do more with that, but no specific plans yet.
  • Paloma question: Is SNAC data pushed or Pulled? Alexis answer:
    • Not sure. Are biog/hist notes even worthwhile?
    • Ex. Woodrow Wilson. He was president of Princeton, but most biog/hist notes about him won't focus on this.
  • Paloma question: How was finding aid project coordinated? Alexis answer:
    • Two main repositories, Firestone and Mudd, with separate technical services units. Two teams collaborated with systems. Total of 4-5 people plus systems worked on project.
    • Created a proposal and then met 2/month to develop the site
    • A lot of data cleanup was involved
    • EAD goes through normalization and cleanup
    • Processing:
      • Staff use Archivist Toolkit for processing- creates a skeleton description at collection and series level
      • Try to get inventories up front from donors
      • Students enter data into excel and use stylesheet to transform excel into EAD
      • Don't enter a lot of data directly into Archivists Toolkit, which cuts down on processing time
      • Once created, finding aid is normalized (esp. dates), then validated against in-house schemas
        • Two schemas: looser one for older descriptions, stricter one for new descriptions
      • Then finding aid is uploaded and commited to site
    • Each component of the finding aid has its own url- normalizer adds this as a data attribute to each component
  • Paloma question: Best practices of authorities and taxonomies? Alexis answer:
    • Authorities applied in archivists toolkit (subjects and names module)
    • Currently working on cleaning up names using open refine
    • Data from Archivists Toolkit will be moving into Archives Space and want to cleanup before migration.
    • Processing archivists can apply subjects freely, use LCSH, AAT, genre/form - which is esp. useful for born-digital items
    • University has files on alumni, fac/staff etc. which is very siloed and not searchable through the finding aid system
      • trying to get indexes into EAD so they're findable on the finding aid site
      • Some data my not be fitted to EAD, and would work better as EAC-CPF ex. birth/death dates, associated departments etc.
      • University archives thinking about adopting EAC-CPF for this, but project is a few years out
  • Paloma question: How does commenting function? Policies? Alexis answer:
    • Idea was to get people to provide information about collections
    • wound up getting a lot of reference questions which are passed onto public service. Also a lot of spam.
    • Not used as originally conceived.
    • No guidance is provided on how to use system.
    • Maybe a newer iteration of site can add more guidance on how to use comments.
    • Once in awhile someone points out a mistake, but it's rare.
  • Paloma question: Future improvements to site? Alexis answer:
    • Not sure what would replace current system.
    • Possible improvements:
      • Hard to tell if a finding aid includes digital content
      • Easy to overlook pdf version on page
      • Like California Digital Library system- makes it easy to search for digital content
      • Left tree view is a little clunky- needs better usability
    • Looking at some UX improvements, incl. user testing and google analytics- need to figure out priorities
    • There is also a committee on born digital, authorities and data modeling: considering moving away from EAD to a different data model altogether.
    • There is also an ArchivesSpace subcommittee
  • Paloma question: Are you members of ArchivesSpace? Alexis answer:
    • Yes, haven't migrated yet, will start with accessions and born digital content.
Post skype discussionPaloma, Jennifer, Beth
  • Surprised to hear they are considering moving away from EAD
  • Benefit of ArchivesSpace is ability to export EAD/EAD3
  • Some interest in continuing discussion of data cleanup projects/methods/tools - next meeting?
  • Current project to do data cleanup on TARO - 40+ repositories, various tools and processes involved.
  • Beth: Architecture library also working on data cleanup: figuring out what metadata they want, then will begin actual cleanup work.
    • Looking at access and restriction areas- can we all use similar or standard terminology?
    • Privacy and confidentiality data is siloed
  • Jennifer: Possible to compile US-level public safety/gun laws document, list any laws that affect public service?
  • Steve: HRC is looking at museum collection management systems (Past perfect etc.) but ArchivesSpace would make sense for archives
  • Beth: Architecture is interested in ArchivesSpace
  • Jennifer: Fine arts finding aids are in pdf format, not in EAD. Would like to get them into TARO
  • Discussion of Excel to EAD tools

Action items
