Activate and deactivate network ports (ACOs) upon request
Troubleshoot Ethernet ports
Troubleshoot VoIP phones
Troubleshoot fax lines
Troubleshoot IP Clocks
troubleshoot printer connections
Provide Static IP and DNS hostnames for all devices upon request
Change the VLAN or subnet of a port/ACO upon request
Configure DNS hostnames upon request
By default, staff will add new ports to a standard subnet, unless other instructions are given
DHCP is standard
Static IP addresses may be requested
Configure small firewall devices, if needed
must be purchased by the customer
Adding new cables or wall ports refers to the process of putting a network port where one does not currently exist.
Meeting ITS standards and costs related to pulling cables, are the responsibility of the requesting unit.
ableCable Cost Estimator
: https:
//ut.service-now.com/utss/KAhome.do?number=KB0011031Staff will Coordinate work orders for new cables on behalf of customers (ITS fee involved)
Log Work Order (WO) numbers in the ServiceNow Ticket
Implement temporary workarounds if a cable is needed immediately
install temporary network hubs
Pull cables - this must be done by ITS or contractors
Provide a limited suppy of cables if needed Provide free cables or equipmentif a workaround is used, LAITS supplies the temporary
Staff Onboarding Service
Deploy a new phone or line
Update Caller ID
Reset voicemail PIN
Printer set up
Request an Ethernet cable
We assist units with provisioning and troubleshooting phones, updating caller ID, provisioning and resetting voicemail.
Reset voicemail PIN
Clear voicemail boxes
Answer basic questions and provide minimal training about phones & voicemail
- Maintain an inventory of spare customer phone equipment
Provision phones for new faculty or staff
- Customer inventory will be used, LAITS does not
giveprovide free phones
- Customer inventory will be used, LAITS does not
Coordinate with ITS to purchase or configure new phones
(3-5 day lead time)
- Caller ID
- new phone numbers
- basic phones (1 line)
- business phones (up to 5 lines)
- Establish shared or Individual conference bridges
- fax lines (may take 2-3 weeks)
- International dialing
- Have phones for immediate purchase
- LAITS will store customer devices and use them to provision phones to new faculty or staff
- Provide free phones for research labs
- Support Shared Meet-Me Conference instructions and control