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Looking for What's New? Updates will regularly be posted as the program is maintained, with main revisions in August and January of each year.
Note: we will continue working mostly remote during the Spring 2023 semester . We can be available to meet in person or on zoom by appointment.
Come visit in person! PMA 15.320G. In person office hours for Spring 2023: Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Contact us!
in the upper right hand corner of your Quest pages!
questhelp@austin.utexas.edu is the best way to contact us during pandemic semesters
512.471.5416 (billing and high school instructor/institution sign up), 512.232.1076 (system questions)Come visit in person! PMA (RLM) 15.320G
What's New in Quest?
March 2020
- Online testing via learning modules in test mode (>300k tests already administered!)
- Proctoring overlay for online assessments
- Distance learning support
- Matrix style free response questions
- Security and Performance upgrades
- Personalization of custom review questions
- Solutions offered to custom reviews (instructor released)
- Remaining spring '20 unpaid students fee waived given COVID-19 crisis
- (any starting to use Quest after spring break will not be billed for spring '20)
System performance:
- Faster user interface
- Increased server capacity
- Security and Performance upgrades
Sustained Enhancements
- Allow bulk late submit for students added to course late
- Delete personal bank item questions (in editor)
- Static level preview of an assignment (to be able to discuss with support team without everyone having a different version)
- Modern search tool, complete with question tags to filter, and institutional history success rate!
- Bubblesheet scanner for Quest exam use in RLM 15.320
- Addition of Time Zone specific handling
- Elimination of Negative Point (guessing penalty) as default grading behavior ( since spring 19)
- Delete old custom reviews using the red trash can
We're hearing you'd like more explanations! Please help us identify areas of greatest need by highlighting areas that are lacking.
What's New in Quest?
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March 2020
- Online testing via learning modules in test mode (>300k tests already administered!)
- Proctoring overlay for online assessments
- Distance learning support
- Matrix style free response questions
- Security and Performance upgrades
- Personalization of custom review questions
- Solutions offered to custom reviews (instructor released)
- Remaining spring '20 unpaid students fee waived given COVID-19 crisis
- (any starting to use Quest after spring break will not be billed for spring '20)
System performance:
- Faster user interface
- Increased server capacity
- Security and Performance upgrades
Sustained Enhancements
- Allow bulk late submit for students added to course late
- Delete personal bank item questions (in editor)
- Static level preview of an assignment (to be able to discuss with support team without everyone having a different version)
- Modern search tool, complete with question tags to filter, and institutional history success rate!
- Bubblesheet scanner for Quest exam use in RLM 15.320
- Addition of Time Zone specific handling
- Elimination of Negative Point (guessing penalty) as default grading behavior ( since spring 19)
- Delete old custom reviews using the red trash can
We're hearing you'd like more explanations! Please help us identify areas of greatest need by highlighting areas that are lacking.
Quest is open between 9:00am-5:30pm M-F, and someone is keeping an eye on the helpline (questhelp@austin.utexas.edu) during most evening tests. We will do our best to accommodate other support availability requests made at least 7 days in advance.