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This page describes the annual review reporting process; for details on conducting the annual reviews, please refer to the Provost Guidelines and individual department/academic unit governance documents (or by-laws).


Annual Reviews: ARE faculty reviews specified in HOP 2-2151 and  and the Provost Guidelines 

                              ARE NOT: FARs [Faculty Activity Reports]; or

                                                Faculty Merit Reviews [see FAQ below]

BC/EC: Department's faculty governing body: either Budget Council (BC), Extended Budget Council (EBC), or Executive Committee (EC).


  1. Download the Annual Review template 
  2. Fill out the template, as follows (see Fig.A):
    1. Add your department/academic unit’s name.
    2. Add the period for which the faculty are being reviewed.
      1. This varies by unit.
    3. List all of the primary or joint tenured, tenure-track, and professional-track faculty in your unit; use “Lastname, Firstname.”
    4. Add the faculty EIDs.
    5. Add the faculty ranks [Assistant Professor, Professor, Associate Professor of Instruction, etc…]
    6. Record the department’s overall rating category for each faculty member who was reviewed.
      1. The department can only choose one rating category for each review, per the Guidelines sec. 4.a, 5.a.
    7. Record the chair’s overall rating category for each faculty member reviewed.
      1. The Guidelines specify the Chair is meant to provide their own overall rating for each faculty member reviewed. [sec. 5.a, 5.b] (They do not rate themselves.)
      2. If no Chair rating is recorded on the report submitted to COLA, the college will assume the chair’s rating was the same as the BC/EC.
    8. At a minimum, please provide the policy justification for not reviewing a given faculty member; ex. “CPR in 23-24”; or “Vice Provost (100% time)” [see sec. 3.b.]
      1. Chairs and directors are not exempt from departmental annual reviewNote: Re: COLA Chairs and Directors:
        1. Chairs will have their annual reviews carried out by Dean Stevens.
        2. Directors reporting directly to a dean (Dean or Associate Dean) in their administrative position (at 0%) but who report to their Department Chair(s) in their faculty position(s) should receive their annual faculty review at the department level(s).
          1. Directors reporting to deans will receive a separate administrative review/check-in at the dean's level.
        3. Directors reporting directly to a department chair in their administrative position (at 0%) and who report to (a) Department Chair(s) in their faculty position(s) should receive their annual faculty review in the department(s) of their faculty position(s). 
        4. REMINDER: Although annual faculty reviews can serve the purpose of fulfilling the requirement of 'a recent performance review' for purposes of merit eligibility, annual reviews should not be considered identical to "merit reviews" (see FAQ below).  Thus, merit decisions, if and when applicable, are carried out separately from the annual review evaluation itself, consistent with applicable salary policies and–in the cases of chairs and directors--terms established via their signed appointment letters.
      2. CPR is the only ‘intensive’ review that exempts from annual review.
      3. Departments with review periods of greater than 1 year will need to take extra care in assessing exemptions from review.
  3. When complete, upload your spreadsheet to the Annual Reviews submission portal.

Fig. A:




Q: Our faculty believe they believe they only need to review merit-eligible faculty. Why are you asking for the chairdirector's rating, etc.?

A: A department can conduct faculty evaluations will fulfill the needs of both the annual review and merit processes at the same time. However, the two processes are distinct and have different purposes and reporting requirements:

Review:Annual Review of FacultyFaculty Merit Review
Policy Basis:HOP 2-2151HOP 2-2160
FY-specific Add'l PolicyAnnual Review GuidelinesCOLA Salary Policy
Frequency:AnnualOnce per fiscal year, but not guaranteed every year; varies according to university budget guidelines.
Required for:All faculty, except when exempted under the Guidelines (3.b.)Any faculty for whom a department would like to recommend a merit increase.
Result:Written evaluation, provided to the faculty member, including an overall rating category.A recommended dollar figure (incl $0), provided to the Dean's Office.
Who carries out:BC/EC and ChairRecommendations provided by BC/EC; may be adjusted by Chair, Dean, and/or  Provost Office.
Communication to faculty member:Written communication required at the completion of the department's review process.Communication is NOT permitted prior to approval by UT's President, UT System Chancellor, and the Board of Regents.


Q: Does the college need copies of the Annual Reviews themselves?
A: Not currently; the department is responsible for retaining these documents. However, the department should be able to produce these records upon request of the College, Provost Office, or others. (If the department wishes to send copies to the college to keep on file, they may upload these to the Annual Review Submissions Portal.


Related policies:

HOP 2-2151: Annual Review of Faculty

Provost Office Annual Review Guidelines:


Other Related Links:

 COLA Annual Review Ratings template
