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Table of Contents


titleOther Windows ssh/Terminal options

If your Windows version does not have ssh in Command Prompt or PowerShell:

More advanced options for those who want a full Linux environment on their Windows system:

From now on, when we refer to "Terminal", it is either the Mac/Linux Terminal program, Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, or the PuTTY program.


The Terminal is pretty "dumb" – just sending what you type over its secure sockets layer (SSL) connection to TACC, then displaying the text sent back by the shell. The real work is being done on the remote computer, by executable programs called by the bash shell (also called commands, since you call them on the command line).

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About the command line


Now execute the lines below to set up a login script, called ~/.bashrc. [ Note the tilde ( ~ ) is shorthand for "my Home directory". See See Linux fundamentals: pathname Pathname syntax ]

When you login via an interactive shell, a well-known script is executed to establish your favorite environment settings. The well-known filename is ~/.bashrc (or ~/.profile on some systems), which is specific to the bash shell.


Code Block
# show a long listing of all files in the current directory, including "dot files" that start with a period
ls -la  

(Read more about File attributes)

titleWhat is chmod doing?

What's going on with chmod?

The chmod 600 ~/.bashrc command marks the file as readable and writable only by you.
The .bashrc script file will not be executed unless it has these exact permissions settings.



$WORK and $SCRATCH are TACC environment variables that refer to your Work and Scratch file system areas – more on these file system areas soon. (Read more about Environment variables)


titleWhat is "ln -s" doing?

The ln -s command creates a symbolic link, a shortcut to the linked file or directory.

  • Here the link targets are your Work and Scratch file system areas
  • Having these link shortcuts will help when you want to copy files to your Work or Scratch, and when you navigate the TACC file system using a remote SFTP client
  • Always change directory (cd) to the directory where we want the links created before executing ln -s
    • Here we want the links under your home directory (cd with no arguments)

Want to know where a link points to? Use ls with the -l (long listing) option.

Code Block
titlels -l shows where links go
ls -l


Code Block

(Read more about Environment variables)

Shell completion with Tab


Here's how the common login script adds the ~/local/bin directory you created above, to the location list, along with a special dot character ( . ) that means "here", or "whatever the current directory is". In the statement below, colon ( : ) separates directories in the list. (Read more about pathname Pathname syntax)

Code Block
titleAdding directories to PATH
export PATH=.:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
