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titleClick here to see if you are correct...

From the OPTIONS: section of the idev help output:

-m     minutes            sets time in minutes (default: 30)

-r     reservation_name   requests use of a specific reservation

-A     account_name       sets account name (default: -A none)

So you will request an idev node using the reservation named GVAday#, where # is the day of the class and asked that it be charged to the account named UT-2015-05-18.

titleWorking outside of class time

The reservation is set to run specifically 9-12 each morning while the class is in session. If you are attempting to work on an idev node outside of those times, you still can and should use idev, just exclude the -r option.

The question becomes 'how long do we need to request the idev node for'? As the reservation only runs between 9am and 12pm each day this week, you need to request the enough minutes to set it to end a few minutes before 12:00 so the session will start. If you set it to end after 12:00 it won't actually launch.


No Format
 -> Reservation name : GVAday2  (reservation ACTIVE  )
 -> Queue            : normal         (reservation         )

titleYou may be prompted asking how many tasks per node you would like if this is the first idev session you are launching.

The two most common choices would be 68 and 1 for 68 and 1 max possible independent commands at the same time. As long as you are letting the individual programs allocate the number of threads (ie --threads for some programs, -p or -j for others), this choice will not matter. If you want to run multiple commands at the same time (say with a commands file which puts each individual command in the background) you would need to select at least a number equal to the number of commands you want running at the same time (or 68 as the max).


If for any reason you don't see the lines above let me know on zoom. As mentioned above, trying to complete most of the tutorials on the head node will cause problems for you or

Because the selection you make is stored in the file located at $HOME/.idevrc you either need to edit that file, or supply additional options to the idev command. If you want to permanently change the default, use the nano program, to edit the numerical value on the idev_tpn_noormal line. If you want to leave the default alone, and modify it just for the idev session you are currently creating, add one of the following options:

  1. -n 1 -N 1
  2. -n 68 -N 1

Note that in the above, it is the lowercase n that determines the number of tasks per node (1 and 68 respectively). The upper case N deals with how many different nodes (computers) you want access to. Programs can not interact across different nodes, so for idev sessions, you only ever want 1 "N"ode. There will be more information about this in Friday when working with the sbatch command.


If for any reason you don't see the lines above let me know on zoom. As mentioned above, trying to complete most of the tutorials on the head node will cause problems for you or everyone.

You may see something like the following
