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Weekly planning meetings can certainly take place in classrooms reserved through the registrar (, but for convenience consider finding a room in the same building as the professor.  Below is a listing of contact people for some of the science building hubs.


To check if a room is ours: On the scheduling system (, I use the ‘View Room Schedules’ for ‘List Semester Long events’.  Then when I’ve entered in the room number and semester, the confirmation codes are listed on the right side (as well as at the top of the details page)!


for NHB: Natasha Manoor at:  


general first: MBS Front Desk


<> for NMS, MBB

We'd be more than happy to take care of that reservation for you. The link below contains the schedule for the year for every room in MBB. Please find the room and time that works best for you, and let us know so we can book that for you.  (this one main i believe)


for NHB (seminar rooms for graduate needs only): Brittany Curtis




Patterson (PAT)

email Theresa Barnes (


WEL library:


Painter (PAI)


"I need to go over some of the ground rules about this room. We have a key that needs to be signed out each time and returned promptly since there is a class following Dr. Chan’s meeting. There is a class in that room from 10:00 to 11:00, so, the key cannot be picked up early AND we do not want people handing the key off to each other, especially people who are outside of our department. The classroom must remain fully locked (i.e. the deadbolt engaged) when not in use (we had a few technology thefts when we first moved into BUR and Liberal Arts has since insisted that we make sure the classroom, along with 234, fully locked when not in use)." 

Hackerman (NHB) and BIO 214


cc: Kathy Pantalion at


NHB 5.510 Corner Conference Room
Capacity: 8 


ICMB for rooms in MBB

Phone: (512) 471-1156


Note: building doors do LOCK at 5pm and anyone not in will not be able to gain access



for Math: Tan Thai <>

for physics:  Kelly McCoy at




for PLUS SSW room res 

Reservations end on the last class day, so finals-related study groups need to be booked individually. Say "extended office hours" to the Registrar." 

School of Nursing (SON)

The email is 


(backup: Nursing Student Services <>) 

from Canvas page for GPC/registrar: 

Requests for Future Semesters


Summer requests - processed in early-May

Special Reservations on No Class Days and Final Exam Days


Dead Days or Reading Days


Cannot Schedule: class related activity, final exams, paper turn-ins

Can Schedule: office hours, exam reviews, study groups, student organization meetings (quiet events)

Final Exam Days


Cannot Schedule: paper turn-ins, student organization events, GPCs to grade exams, exam reviews

Can Schedule: extended office hours, SSD exam accommodations, dissertation defenses (within three hour exam period)


University final exam policies can be found online on the Registrar Final exam policies page (Links to an external site.) . This information is also published online in the University Catalog (Links to an external site.) .