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Jessica Gonzales

Sam Rabinowitz

Hello! My name is Jessica Gonzales, Sam Rabinowitz and I am part of the Spring 2019 graduating class. My major is English, with a minor in communications. I am currently taking my second semester of Italian, hoping all goes well! I am part of the Texas Darlins and Texas Transfer Students. I enjoy crying over classes, coming home to relax, and reading and writing! I enjoy working here because of the great opportunities it provides, from helping students and parents to setting up a meeting in the conference room!


Tasha Torres

I am a 5th year iMPA major graduating with my Masters in May 2018. After starting my UT career in UGS, I’ve spent a lot of my time outside of class working with UGS, including UGS Council where I was Financial Director and as a FIG mentor of UGS FIGs for the past 3 years. Outside of those extracurriculars I am president of my a cappella group, One Note Stand, where I’ve gotten to travel to Los Angeles, Boston and various places around Texas to compete, film a reality TV show, and perform at events. After graduation, I will be working full-time at Ernst and Young as an auditor.

Vandita Kumbham 

Hi! I'm Vandita and I'm a fourth year majoring in Public Health with a Business Foundations Certificate. Other than spending a lot of my free time at the front desk hoping that one of the talented chefs we have in the office will bring in a treat, I enjoy being a Peer Educator with The Counseling and Mental Health Center on campus!!

Nick Nunley

I'm a 3rd year Music Studies major in the Butler School of Music. I play the French horn and have learned piano, clarinet and viola during my time here. I am currently a member of the Longhorn Band and University of Texas Wind Ensemble. I have also spent time teaching marching band to high schoolers at Westwood High School. I plan on becoming a high school band director after graduating the University of Texas.

Holly Bowles

Hello! My name is Holly Bowles, and I’m a fourth year student studying Public Health. I’m a member of the clarinet section in the Longhorn Band and President of the band service sorority, Tau Beta Sigma. I also love working with the Counseling and Mental Health Center through their peer educator program. In the few and far between moments where I’m not doing school related things, I like reading and exploring Austin with my pals. I think any office where you get free tacos once a month is the place to be, and I’m so happy to be part of this team!


Feel free to come say hi a fourth year biology student. I started my time at UT in UGS and loved it so much that I try to be a cheerleader for the school in any way that I can. When I’m not up here at the front desk, you might find me at UGS Council events or helping out with the Ambassadors and Alumni Guides. For the past year, I’ve also had the opportunity to work as an undergraduate research assistant in a lab in the biology department. When I’m not somewhere on campus, I love watching The West Wing (again), attending concerts with friends, and performing one-woman productions of Hamilton in my kitchen.

Ethan Roy

Hi, my name is Ethan Roy and I am a second year mathematics major. I have played tennis for the past 13 years of my life, and like to bake in my spare time. I can without a doubt say I have perfected my chocolate chip cookie recipe. I also try to be involved in math research. Over the past summer I worked as a visiting student researcher at Rice, where I was able to work with a professor who specializes in fluid dynamics. Otherwise, between tennis, classes, and baking if I have any free time I’m usually bingeing a show on Netflix (currently Schitt’s Creek).   

Evana Wang

Hi all! This is Evana, and I'm a third-year civil engineering major from Charlotte, NC (where my adorable German Shepherd is waiting for me)! When I'm not hitting the books, you can usually find me exploring Austin or traveling on breaks. I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Chile this past summer, and my dream is to someday (somehow) visit Antarctica! Aside from traveling, I love working with various STEM outreach organizations and learning to finger-pick on the guitar. Thanks MAI 202 for creating such a great workplace! It's great to see all of you around!

Brittany Kalu

Hello all! My name is Brittany Kalu and I am a pre-medical student graduating in the fall with my B.S. in Psychology! I transferred from UT Arlington my sophomore year, to UT and have loved it ever since. I am a part of an amazing pre-health minority organization, Black Health Professions Organization, where I’ve had the pleasure of traveling to Italy to shadow amazing doctors. While I was there, I was able to learn about the public healthcare system while being immersed in Italian culture. When I'm not thinking about Italian food, I love finding new and cool fun adventures to do in Austin! My favorite activities are Hot Yoga and binging "The Office" on Netflix. 

Valerie Torrealba

My name is Valerie Torrealba, and I’m a third year international relations and global studies major  I’m a lover of languages, traveling, and politics. For the past year, I’ve been involved on campus as a chair for the Senate of College Councils, and I’ve been a member of the co-ed spirit group, Absolute Texas, since my freshman year. Currently, I am working on pursuing a french minor as well as interning at a nonprofit that provides legal assistance to refugees here in Austin. In my free time, I like to stay active by exploring all of the fun places around the city, and making the most of the vibrant food and music scene here.

Feel free to come say hello to the friendly faces at the front desk!