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Code Block
titlehow to make a sample commands file
# remember that things after the # sign are ignored by bash and most all programing languages
cds  # move to your scratch directory
nano commands
# the following lines should be entered into nano
echo "My name is _____ and todays date is:" > BDIB.output.txt
date >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "I have just demonstrated that I know how to redirect output to a new file, and to append things to an already created file. Or at least thats what I think I did" >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "i'm going to test this by counting the number of lines in the file that I am writing to. So if the next line reads 4 I remember I'm on the right track" >> BDIB.output.txt
wc -l BDIB.output.txt >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "I know that normally i would be typing commands on each line of this file, that would be executed on a compute node instead of the head node so that my programs run faster, in parallel, and do not slow down others or risk my tacc account being locked out" >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "i'm currently in my scratch directory on lonestar. there are 2 main ways of getting here: cds and cd $SCRATCH:" >>BDIB.output.txt
pwd >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "over the last week I've conducted multiple different types of analysis on a variety of sample types and under different conditions. Each of the exercises was taken from the website" >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "using the ls command i'm now going to try to remind you (my future self) what tutorials I did" >> BDIB.output.txt
ls -1 >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "the contents of those directories (representing the data i downloaded and the work i did) are as follows: ">> BDIB.output.txt
ls */* >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "the commands that i have run on the headnode are: " >> BDIB.output.txt
history >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "the contents of this, my commands file, which i will use in the script are: ">>BDIB.output.txt
cat commands >> BDIB.output.txt
echo "finally, I will be generating a job.slurm file using the script using the following command:" >> BDIB.output.txt
echo ' -w 1 -N 1 -n "what_i_did_at_BDIB_2016" -t 00:02:00 -a "UT-2015-05-18"' >> BDIB.output.txt # this will create a my_first_job.slurm file that will run for 2 minutes
echo "and i will send this job to the que using the the command: sbatch what_i_did_at_BDIB_2016.slurm" >> BDIB.output.txt  # this will actually submit the job to the Queue Manager and if everything has gone right, it will be added to the development queue.

ctrlo #keyboard command to write your nano output
crtlx # keyboard command to close the nano interface -w 1 -N 1 -n "what_i_did_at_BDIB_2016" -t 00:02:00 -a "UT-2015-05-18"
sbatch what_i_did_at_BDIB_2016.slurm


Code Block
titlemake a single final file using the cat command and copy to a useful work directory
# remember that things after the # sign are ignored by bash 
cat BDIB.output.txt > 
mkdir $WORK/BDIB_GVA_2016
mkdir $WORK/BDIB_GVA_2016/end_of_course_summary/  # each directory must be made in order to avoid getting a no such file or directory error
cp $WORK/BDIB_GVA_2016/Day1/first_tacc_jobend_of_course_summary/
cp what_i_did* $WORK/BDIB_GVA_2016/end_of_course_summary/