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Comment: Reverted from v. 62


Students who are beginning the qualifying process are required to work with their qualifying adviser to complete the Qualifying Process Student/Faculty Adviser Agreement. After completion, the student is to upload a copy of the signed Agreement to his/her UTBox Program of Work folder.


Developing the qualifying document encompasses a process and a product. That is, it involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills as well as the reporting of them. Acceptability, therefore, is a matter of whether the student has gained a sufficient degree of mastery of the subject and whether the reporting of the results of these intellectual activities is adequately done. Along with a copy of the document, each member of the qualifying process evaluation committee receives an evaluation data sheet upon which he/she will independently rate the acceptability of the document.


The qualifying process committee members use Rubrics and the Qualifying Process Ratings Report to evaluate students’ documents and examinations. 


QP Probation Chart
QP Probation Chart
Effects of Area/Program Probation on Qualifying Process

If a student passes the Qualifying Procedure and is not on probation, they are eligible for candidacy. If they pass, but are on probation the Graduate Studies Council (GSC) review annually or until probation status changes. If the student meets the probation conditions the student is eligible for candidacy. If the student does not meet the probation conditions their doctoral studies is terminated. Doctoral studies will also be terminated if a student does not pass the Qualifying Procedure, is on probation, and their program recommends termination. If their program does not recommend termination or they are not on probation, the student has 1 year maximum to pass Qualifying Procedure, if they did not pass it. If they do not pass within a year, their doctoral studies are terminated. If they pass within a year and are not on probation, they are eligible for candidacy. If they are on probation, GSC reviews annually or until probation status changes. If they meet their probation conditions they are eligible for candidacy. If they do not, their doctoral studies are terminated. Image Added

Program-Specific Processes
