Ad Hoc P&T committee – faculty within COLA responsible for reviewing and voting on new hire tenure cases. Consists of three faculty members drawn from the current year’s P&T committee.
COLA HR: Dean's Office HR Team in general, reachable at cola_hr@austin.utexas.edu; lead contact: Stuart Tendler.
- Finalist identified to be hired at rank of Associate Professor with tenure or higher.
- Pre-review materials submitted to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs via email:
- CV
- Interfolio Posting ID
- Briefly describe the recruitment process for this faculty position
- Provide a rationale for the selection of this candidate as the finalist
- What is the candidate’s current institution?
- What is the candidate’s current rank/position and tenure status?
- Provide a brief summary of the candidate’s research area and why it is important to the department.
- Provide a justification if the proposed position at UT Austin is at a higher rank than the candidate’s current position.
- Associate Dean submits all pre-review materials to Provost.
- Provost returns approval or requests additional information prior to approving.
- COLA HR communicates approval to department and requests submission of new hire tenure review file materials (will invite department staff to a dedicated Box folder); will provide checklist of requested materials, including file naming conventions.
- Department submits requested materials and notifies COLA HR when all items have been uploaded.
- COLA HR releases NHTR file to the Ad Hoc P&T committee.
- COLA HR records votes of three reviewers, notifies department, and coordinates Dean’s statement for the NHTR file.
- Department submits PAR for candidate. [See PAR section]
- COLA HR finalizes NHTR file and submits to Provost for final review.