What Needs Tagging, Object Codes, Unit Codes, Building Codes, *DEFINE Info, and Annual Inventory
1. Download the Scan To Spreadsheet app on a department iPad and scan faculty computers as you see them in the office. The instructions for this operation are given through UT Inventory Services here: https://afm.utexas.edu/inventory-services#information-about-scanning-inventory-items
I had made a quick one-page instruction sheet for our student workers on the operation and setup of Scan To Spreadsheet app.
The app is approved for use by UT Inventory services, but they do not have specific instructions for it.
Cameras & Video Cameras (DSLRs, high-end video cameras, expensive lenses)
Computers, iPads, and Tablets
Professional audio production gear (ProTools Interfaces, high end audio recorders, microphones)
TV monitors
An itemized List of Controlled and Capitalized Items, is maintained provided by the Office of Accounting and also by the the State of Texas Comptroller's Office.
More building codes and other info is available through UT Facilities Services Building List.
Commonly Used Object Codes