The audiometers in Booths B, E, F & G have external inputs which are fed from an Audiometer Aux Switcher which allow CD, iPod & PC external sources to be presented to the test subject. In Booths B & E, the Researcher PC has an 8-channel Mark of the Unicorn (MOTU) 838 USB soundcard. This device is capable of recording up to (2) mic or (8) line sources and playing back up to (8) channels of audio. Outputs 1 & 2 are the primary outputs (aka default Windows playback device) from the computer. These outputs feed to the audiometer via the Audiometer Aux Switcher. Outputs 3 - 8 feed directly to the jackpanel for use in specialized experiments.
Using the Researcher PC, you can present audio stimuli from any program or website. This document will outline how to use a media player called Foobar 2000 to present standard audio tests to a subject via the primary outputs and the audiometer. |