Versions Compared


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Can try to see if there are any firmware updates for the LG's

Need a small USB formatted Fat32 and can download firmware from the LG website–1430510575535

Newer LG's are C2PUA LG OLED

You will need the Dell Laptop with the Calman Software installed and the 

Klien Colorimeter and the Murido signal generator

This is stored in a case in the back of the helpdesk in CMA 3.104

Turn on Monitor so it warms up

Note if the remote is not working right try to 

RE-Pair it with the TV

Hold down the 

>Home and the >Settings buttons at the same time for 3-5 seconds

That will re-sync the remote with the TV.

Connect Murideo signal generator via USB to laptop.

Make sure the Murideo drivers are installed

Plug in the HDMI out of the Murideo Signal Generator output to the TV you want to calibrate


Set the LG TV HDMI input to the input from the Murideo HDMI INPUT 1

Murideo Signal Generator connected via USB -

Use USB to Serial Port 4 on Laptop for the Murido Signal Generator

Press the red ON button on the Murideo

Now you should see the images from the Murideo on the TV

Menu and key navigation

Murideo set Color Space to YC444 - 16-235

If the unit is in its 4K Geometry mode while attempting to connect to Calman, an error message will be produced that states “Firmware or application not up to date, check for a newer version. To avoid this error and connect normally, switch the Murideo SIX-G out of its 4K Geometry mode before connecting to Calman.
Ex: Get out of this 4K Geometry Mode it won't connect.

Press the yellow button to get it Timing RES

Set the Timing Resolution NOT 4K to 3840 x 2160 23.98 or even

Put the timing RES to 720 to get it out of the 4K to connect to the Calman software

On the Klien Camera remove the lens cap 

and put on the Lens Hood on the Klien camera

Put the Klien on a tripod 
Pull up the Murido slide that shows the target as this example

Put the cup smushed up to the TV so rubber is blocking out all the light completely flush to the monitor

Another example of the camera pressed up against the monitor

Connect the Klein Colorimeter via USB into the computer

Log into laptop 

with UN commpower and PW

Open Calman For Business software on the laptop using the desktop shortcut

Enter in the details and click Start Session  - Note if you are not saving the session the only part that matters is setting it to the right Display and using the ISF Workflow

Client – Default
Calibrator – your name

Display Model is OLED 55C7P

Remember under Workflow choose
ISF Calibration

Choose Start Session

Hit Next Here

Hardware should auto connect as shown here

Klein Meter

Make sure the OLED is selected

If you can not find the meter or if it is not showing connected here

Click on Find Source

Source Murideo

Model Six-G

Com Port should be com4

Click on Connect

Murideo Generator

Set Window to 18%

Direct Display Control


If you don't see the list of steps you can.

close and open the disclosure by clicking this arrow

Image Removed

Click on the little "Gear" mark in the Upper Right hand corner

Image Added

Colorspace target D65HDBT 709
Gamma Formula - Power

Target Exponent 2.2
Luminance Levels Video 16-235
Close by clicking the right pointing arrow >>Next


This is the navigation pane of the calibration workflow FYI

Meter Positioning should be good so 

Click Next

Next step is to make sure that the Energy Saving setting is set to OFF

Older LGs go to Picture>Energy Saving >Off

Turn Energy Save Off on the Newer LG

>General >Choose OLED Care

Choose Device Self Care

Choose Energy Saving>Energy Saving Step > OFF

Turn Energy Saver OFF

This will brighten up the screen quite a bit

Next set the picture settings to ISF Expert (Dark Room)

 LG Remote click the Gear Icon and then use the down arrow to get to Picture Settings

Set the TV to Picture Mode isf Expert (Dark Room)

Turn off the lights in the room put in the CC environment
Also put something on the computer monitor "Resolve"

Do the Pre - Calibration View and Read Series to get an idea how the Monitor Looks

Click on Read Series or 

Goal Posts to start the Pre - Calibration View

ISF Dark is pretty close

Click Next

Mode Settings put the LG in 2.4 really close - But you can try all the mode settings to find the one that is the closest it's the correct thing to do.

On the LG Remote 

Newer LG Remote > Gear Icon > All Settings > Picture>Advanced Settings >Brightness>Gamma > Leave at BT.1886 or 2.4

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>Gamma>Gamma>2.2 seemed closer on the newer LG's

Older LG's Gamma 2.2 it is the closest to the Gamma Target Line

Press Read Series or "Goal Post"

This will show the closest reading 

Then Press Next

Older LG's Gamma 2.4 it is the closest to the Gamma Target Line

Press Read Series or "Goal Post"

This will show the closest reading 

Then Press Next

White Point and Color Space

NEWER LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > White Balance

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>White Balance

  • NOTE if the White Balance is greyed out, make sure Eye Comfort Mode is switched OFF. All Settings>Picture>Eye Comfort Mode>OFF

To set the White Point

Select the White selector block

Then Click on the "Infinity button" and while it is running toggle through all the color temp settings that the TV has

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>White Balance>Color Temperature toggle the options till you get the white dot into the hole, or closest to the hole


NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > White Balance

Press and hold the Color Temp slider but 

Warm 50 is the best = default

the dot is right in the white box

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>Color Gamut > set to Auto

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color . Color Gamut and set it to Auto Detect

Click Next

Turn off all Auto Features
No automatic adjustments should be on

Clarity All off and TruMotion is off

Real Cinema Off

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>Auto Dynamic is off >Super Resolution off >Edge Enahancer - Off
OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture Mode>Picture Options>All OFF>Real Cinema > Off>Motion Eye Care>TruMotion>Off

NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness >

Auto Dynamic is off and

>Peak brightness off and

>Video Range Not Auto - Do limited

>Motion Eye Care Off

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > Color Gamut = Auto Detect

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Clarity > All off

>Super Resolution - off

>Noise Reduction - off

>MPEG Noise Reduction - off

>Smooth Gradation - off

>Real Cinema - off

>TruMotion - off

Once Everything is off click Next

Adjust Luminance 

Here are the specs 130-170 for a Dim Room our suites

these are the specs for the rooms that we want to follow

Click on Read Continuous lower right corner

Now adjust Contrast on the Monitor

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture>Contrast

NEWer LG's  Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness

and adjust the Contrast setting

Adjust the Contrast Setting till Luminance is reading about 142 145 ish

Click Next

Dynamic Range

This is where we set the Brightness and Contrast on the TV

Dynamic Range - to check this click on Read Series 

This is the result of the Read

Press these buttons Brightness and Contrast

Adjust the Brightness on the TV = Black chip chart

Adjust the Contrast on the TV = White chip Chart

Press Brightness button

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture Mode Settings>Brightness

NEWER LGs Press Black Level not Brightness set black level to 58

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness > Black Level

You want to barely see 16 and 17 but should not see any squares below 16 those should be invisible.

Definitely do not want to see 15d

We set Black Level to 58-60 on the NEW LG Monitors

On the old ones about 55 on brightness

Press Contrast button in Calman Software -  

You want to see up to 254 and don't want to see any pink tones or noise?

OLDER LG's >All Settings>Picture Mode Settings>Contrast

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness >

Use Adjust Contrast on the LG to adjust this

82 seemed the best for the new LG's the old ones about 80

Once Brightness and Contrast are set Click Next

Gamma Settings control

Try all the Color Gamut options we've discovered that 

BT1886 is the best on the NEW LG's

2.4 is best on the Old LG's

You can click on the Goal Posts again and see its pretty close

NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness

Choose BT1886

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>Gamma>Gamma>2.4

Click Next

Color Decoder - Skip this Step the LG's and Sonys don't have this

Click on Next


You can click on the test patterns here

Pull up ISF Geometry 2.40 to check for OverScan

Check for the white lines at the edges to make sure you are seeing everything

NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Picture > Aspect Ratio > >User Selection is 16:9

>Turn on JUST SCAN

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Aspect Ratio 16:9 > Settings>Just Scan>ON

Click Next!

Greyscale Two Point Adjust - Each LG TV has the two point White balance mode but the menus look different.

We want to avoid the 10 and 20 point version of this unless you have A LOT of time


Select the 80 percent white

Choose Read Continuous

Click on the Continuous read button

Overview - of this step Grayscale 2 point adjustment

You will go to your White Balance settings to find your RGB Gain and Bias
You will control the RED Green and Blue Gain=High controls

The idea of this step is:

You want to adjust the Red Green and Blue controls until you get all 3 RGB colors to match exactly this is close but not exact

How to get to the Menus to adjust the White Balance Set to the 2 point Method and access the RGB levels

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>White Balance

NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color >White Balance

Older LG 2Point workflow

White Balance Select the 2 Point Method


Point > High if you select the 80 chip in the Calman Software and Low if you are on the 30 chip

Select Point High since we are on the 80 percent chip on the Calman software

Adjust the Red and Green and Blue white balance controls on the LG till you get the graph even in Calman

Newer LG's use the two point High and Low

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color >White Balance

Point make sure you are on Point > High if you are on the 80 chip and Low if you are on the 30 chip

80 percent will be on high point

30 percent will be on low point

Then we clicked on 30 % 

Click on the Continuous read button

Repeat the same process for the 30 percent chip

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>White Balance

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color >White Balance

RGB balance

RED = +2

Blue = -3

You want to adjust the Red Green and Blue controls until you get all 3 RGB colors to match exactly this is close but not exact

This is what we ended up with 

Toggle back and forth with the 80 and 30 toggle till you get the Bias's and Gains to be absolutely flat 

Note Click back one menu before you run the Goal Posts on Greyscale it seems to give better readings o

Finally after you are finished do a Goal Post "Read Series" to get the final reading to make sure all's good.

Final reading  delta E should be below 1 on 30 and 80

if you have high readings on some of the chips you can select that chip and turn on the 10 point instead of two point and really get granular with this (See next section highlighted in Optional Orange)

Or skip the Orange highlighted sections if not doing the 10 point

Go to the part labeled this

Start With This Step if you skipping the 10 point

click Next

This is the 10 point adjustment - OPTIONAL if you have a lot of time if you don't skip this steps marked in yellow

Grayscale and Gamma Multipoint Adjust

This step adjusts the color balance and the target luminance

>Start at 100 percent and work down to 10 percent


LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > White Balance > Method > Change to 10 Points


Click on Read Series "Goal Post"

To get a starting point reading


This chart will show how much you are off

100 is more off than 10%


Next Start at the 100 chip and turn on Continuous Scan


On the LG Remote > Star

> All Settings

> Advanced Settings

> Color

> White Balance

> Signal Level %

This is where we'll change the signal level of the TV from 10 to 100 percent to match the chip selected in the CalMan software

Start at 100 percent and work down matching the chip selected in the CalMan Software


In the White balance menu

go to Red, Green and Blue and adjust each level


Watch this chart while you are adjusting the Red Green and Blue colors

in the "Fine Tune" controls on the TV

With Blue selected adjust up and down till you get a flat line on

the chart


Same with Red and Green keep adjusting so the chart shows as 

flat a line as possible


Start with this and adjust RGB

This is the goal no line at all


Go through and set RGB levels on each signal level to get the flat line on the RGB Balance Charts

Start with 100 and TV set to 100 percent signal level

>Next 80 chip with TV set to 80 percent signal level

>Next 70 chip with TV set to 70 percent signal level

till you get to 10 chip with TV set to 10 percent signal level

This is what it should look like after you set all the levels 10-100

Complete Flat Blue Line

Make Sure you Leave the LG at 100 Percent Level after you are finished with this step!!

Start With This Step if you skipping the 10 point

Then click Next

Color Management System CMS Adjust for minimum CMS error and

CMS color gamut error

Primaries - Optimize Gamut Luminance  


Secondaries - Optimize Hue and Saturation

Click the Goal Post to get a read and see where the balls fall in the boxes

Next we need to turn on > Fine Tuning on the LG Monitor

LG Remote Older TV's

>All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Expert Controls>Color Management System>Pick Color Yellow for example

Use Sat, Tint and Luminance to get the dot in the box

LG Remote new TV's

NEW LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > Fine Tuning and choose Select Color

> Star

> All Settings


> Advanced Settings

> Color

> Fine Tune

> Color Adjustment

Select Color Adjustment

> Color Adjustment

> Choose User Selection

Once User Selection is turned on then all the controls are

available on the TV to adjust the colors to adjust the RGB settings

Most of the colors will be close so focus on the ones farthest away from the target in the boxes.

Adjusting one color will effect another color

Start with the primary colors first Red, Green and Blue then

the Secondary Colors Cyan, Magenta and Yellow

To Adjust the RED press the RED Chip

Adjust the saturation, tint and luminance on each color till they are in the box

Do all the colors till they are in the box

Put on Continuous Read on the Calman

If you click on the color of the box as we have clicked on Red then you will get the close up of the offset of the color red dot is out of the box.

Primary Colors  - Y luminance is critical to get right

Secondary Colors - x and y Hue or Tint is critical to get right

Once Red is finished then do GREEN, AND BLUE - Adjusting luminance to get it right

Then do Cyan, Magenta and Yellow - Adjusting luminance and tint

Go in the order of the boxes in CalMan

Do a Read Series again and re adjust luminace one more time on all

Then click Next once you have all the colors in the boxes

Saturation Sweeps - Optional but you have to have the TV in 10 point White Balance

>Color>White Balance >Method> 10 Points

and then back out to Color > Fine Tune adjust color - most the colors are in the boxes - but can granularity adjust if you have the time.


Here we'll do the same workflow setting the video levels to 20 to 100 percent

Then adjust the fine tuning saturation till the boxes line up as well as possible

Selecting every color and video level percentage 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100


Click the Goal Post to get a read and see where the balls fall in the boxes


Then choose the color you want to adjust here 

Again starting with Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow


Turn on Continuous Scan

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Color > Fine Tuning and choose Select Color >yellow

Only adjust the saturation levels don't touch luminance or tint


Example with yellow selected try to get all the yellows in the boxes going through all the video levels

OPTIONAL Steps to adjust the sweeps

when you adjust the other boxes generally fall closer to their boxes as well 

Start with 100 and TV set to 100 percent signal level

>Next 80 chip with TV set to 80 percent signal level

>Next 60 chip with TV set to 60 percent signal level

till you get to 20 chip with TV set to 20 percent signal level

When finished with all the colors set the TV to 100 percent Level before moving on - only if you did the 10 point greyscale if just did two point you are good

Click Next to proceed to next step

Recheck Black/White Levels

Press buttons >Brightness and >Contrast

Put up the charts again 

Adjust the Brightness on the TV = Black chip chart

Adjust the Contrast on the TV  = White chip Chart

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Brightness

Newer LG's >LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness > Black Level

Maybe even put up SMPTE color bars in the Calman Signal generators


You want to barely see 16 and 17 but should not see any squares below 16 those should be invisible.

Definitely do not want to see 15d

We set Black Level to 58-60 on the LG Monitors

to put up the White Pludge you want to see up to 254 and don't want to see any pink tones or noise?

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness >

Use Adjust Contrast on the LG to adjust this

82 seemed the best

RE - Check and Adjust Luminance 

Here are the specs 40 to 50 for a Dim Room our suites

Click on Read Continuous lower left corner

LG Remote > Star > All Settings > Advanced Settings > Brightness

and adjust the Contrast setting

Now adjust Contrast on the Monitor

Older LG's >All Settings>Picture>Picture Mode Settings>Contrast

Adjust the Contrast Setting till Luminance is reading 145 ish

Final check Open 

Davinci Resolve and set the UltraStudio as the output to the TV

Setup for Davinci Resolve>Go to your project settings in the lower left corner of the application

Project Settings>Master Project Settings

Timeline Format

Timeline resolution - Choose 2048 x 1152 2K 16:9

Last open Resolve and check color bars

VERY important 

Set this to

Data Levels >Video

Check Retain sub-black and super-white data

Generate Color Bars in Resolve

Go to >Effects > Toolbox > Generators  > SMPTE Color Bars
