To remove your advising hold, plan to contact a faculty member during the advising period. If you do not have a research supervisor, an Area advisor can advise you. During the meeting the faculty member will assess your progress toward degree, and approve the courses you plan to take in the upcoming semester.
To prepare for the meeting, please use the DocuSign the PhD or MS advising form below. Each semester you will use this form to remove the Advising hold. You'll list the classes you have already taken in the graduate program, as well as the ones you plan to register for next.
Most new students will register during the week before school starts, after advising meetings (as arranged by the major Area Advisors). First semester students can be appointed as a TA or GRA with the later registration time.
The Course Schedule is posted at https://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules
Docusign version of the advising forms.
MS Advising form Docusign
PhD Advising form Docusign
Examples of acceptable course format.pdf
To preview an example of the form and what information is needed, see the PDF:
CE PhD Assessment and Advising Form.pdf
CE MS Assessment and Advising Form.pdf