Credit may be given for any course on the above list for which a student has previously received a passing grade.
Ph.D. Degree
The Ph.D. program with an emphasis in EWRE is highly flexible to accommodate a wide range of student educational objectives and research interests. Overall, however, the Ph.D. program demands very high standards of scholarship from students. Students are expected to develop both great depth and breadth in their knowledge and to conduct research that is a significant and original contribution at the frontiers of knowledge. The program is intended to prepare students for careers in teaching and research in academia or careers in research and advanced engineering applications in industry.
Ph.D. students in EWRE must follow all rules and requirements of the Graduate School and the Civil Engineering graduate program. The Ph.D. degree in EWRE requires the completion of significant coursework beyond the M.S., conducting independent research leading to the preparation of a dissertation, and completion of major examinations and other milestones, as described in the Civil Engineering PhD guidelines.
There is no specific minimum number of courses required for the Ph.D. degree. Nonetheless, Ph.D. students are expected to take courses to develop breadth and depth in their knowledge and to prepare them to conduct independent research. Courses should be selected by the student in consultation with their Research Supervisor and their Dissertation Committee. As a guideline, Ph.D. students in EWRE typically take 4 to 8 courses beyond the M.S. To guide course selection, the student should consult the list of sample courses in the EWRE area.
The Doctor of Philosophy is a research degree, and conducting high quality original research represents the most fundamental requirement of the degree. Research for the Ph.D. is expected to be significant in scope and to be an original contribution at the frontiers of knowledge in the field. Further, while research is conducted under the guidance of the Research Supervisor and the Dissertation Committee, Ph.D. students are expected to work independently in the conduct of their research.
While the student will work closely with their Research Supervisor, the student will also form a Dissertation Committee to help guide and review the research. The Dissertation Committee normally consists of a minimum of four faculty members, with at least one member outside of the CE graduate studies committee.
Research for the Ph.D. culminates in the preparation of a Dissertation. The Dissertation must be approved by the Dissertation Committee.
Course Selection
EWRE students can take courses from many different areas within CAEE, as well as outside the department. The intent of these requirements is to assure that coursework programs provide both depth and breadth. A list of recommended courses for EWRE is included below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and simply provides examples.
Graduate Courses
Water and Wastewater Treatment