Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
samtools flagstat accepted_hits.sorted.bam

Let's see how this compares to BWA genome mapping results...


Code Block
titleBack to the directory with BWA results
cd $SCRATCH/my_rnaseq_course/day_1_partB/bwa_exercise/bwa_mem_results_genome/

Exercise 5: Count spliced sequences in BWA results


  • Use threading option efficiently (tophat -p <number of threads>)

  • Split one data file into smaller chunks and run multiple instances of tophat. Finally concatenate the output.
    • WAIT! We have a pipeline for that!
    • Look for fastTophat in $BI/scripts  
  • Split mapping by chromosome- mapping to each chromosome=1 job.