Versions Compared


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titleIf you need a hint without the answer click the triangle...

This was extensively covered in the Advanced Breseq tutorial. You may want to review this section of the tutorial for more detailed explanation while you wait for the 2 runs to complete. Check which commands are still running using the jobs command and the tail command listed above.

Code Block
gdtools compare -h

the above will display instructions stating that gdtools compare needs a genebank (gbk) reference file, and .gd files to compare. The -o command is used to direct the output to a specific file name and/or location.

titleIf you are still stuck and want the answer click the triangle...

Code Block
gdtools compare -o trimmed_vs_SSCS.html -r reference/REL606.masked.gff3 -r reference/1400flanking.gff3 SSCS_output/SSCS/output/ SSCS_output/trimmed/output/


Once you have transferred theĀ trimmed_vs_SSCS.html file back to your computer, open it and scroll around to see what the effects of our SSCS error correction were.

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