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Table of Contents


titleOther Windows ssh/Terminal options

If your Windows version does not have ssh in Command Prompt or PowerShell:

More advanced options for those who want a full Linux environment on their Windows system:

From now on, when we refer to "Terminal", it is either the Mac/Linux Terminal program, Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, or the PuTTY program.


Now execute the lines below to set up a login script, called ~/.bashrc. [ Note the tilde ( ~ ) is shorthand for "my Home directory". See See Linux fundamentals: pathname Pathname syntax ]

When you login via an interactive shell, a well-known script is executed to establish your favorite environment settings. The well-known filename is ~/.bashrc (or ~/.profile on some systems), which is specific to the bash shell.


Code Block
# show a long listing of all files in the current directory, including "dot files" that start with a period
ls -la  

(Read more about File attributes)

titleWhat is chmod doing?

What's going on with chmod?

The chmod 600 ~/.bashrc command marks the file as readable and writable only by you.
The .bashrc script file will not be executed unless it has these exact permissions settings.



$WORK and $SCRATCH are TACC environment variables that refer to your Work and Scratch file system areas – more on these file system areas soon. (Read more about Environment variables)


titleWhat is "ln -s" doing?

The ln -s command creates a symbolic link, a shortcut to the linked file or directory.

  • Here the link targets are your Work and Scratch file system areas
  • Having these link shortcuts will help when you want to copy files to your Work or Scratch, and when you navigate the TACC file system using a remote SFTP client
  • Always change directory (cd) to the directory where we want the links created before executing ln -s
    • Here we want the links under your home directory (cd with no arguments)

Want to know where a link points to? Use ls with the -l (long listing) option.

Code Block
titlels -l shows where links go
ls -l


Code Block

(Read more about Environment variables)

Shell completion with Tab


Here's how the common login script adds the ~/local/bin directory you created above, to the location list, along with a special dot character ( . ) that means "here", or "whatever the current directory is". In the statement below, colon ( : ) separates directories in the list. (Read more about pathname Pathname syntax)

Code Block
titleAdding directories to PATH
export PATH=.:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
