Table of Contents:
Confirm course end dates
For Instructor-paced courses confirm certificate issue dates with UT edX program Manager
Send Consider sending an end of course survey (as planned)
- Send Consider sending learners a course closing email
- Update the Course info page with information for already registered learners and potential new learners
Make sure assignments have the correct due dates on the course materials if dues dates are set. If there are no due dates, the course closing date is considered the due date by the system. This prevents students from modifying scores after course closes.
Download the grade book and do a check to make sure no oddities exist, since certificate generation will start soon after course close.
Do not make alterations to the grading components in the course between course closing and certificate generation.
Download the tar.gz of the course as an archival once the course certificates have been generated.
Download any data that may need to be downloaded for 3rd party tools integrated.
Decide on course archive plan
- Complete necessary reports such as the course final report.
- Setup lessons learned with course team and UT edX program Manager