Launch ideaMaker
Click "Import Models"
Select your STL file(s)*
Click on each model and ensure there are no errors listed in the bottom right for each part
Errors will be identified by a color change in the part
Green check means good to go
Orange exclamation point is warning that the model may have an issue printing
If you run into errors, we recommend returning to your source file within Rhino to correct the problem
Non-manifold edges are a common issue
We won't print an .idea file with warnings on the models
E-mail trig@utexas.edu if you run into issues with this step
Verify the scale
Scaling models will always be on the submitter
Orient your models
We are looking for a stable footprint to start the print
For example, a side that is flat or without major details should be face-down
There needs to be 1/2” (10mm) space between the edge of the platform and your model(s)
When you're done adding and orienting parts
Select "File"
Click "Save Idea File As"
Make sure to use the naming syntax YYYYEID_Mon-MM-DD_EID_Group-# UNIQUE[# of parts]
example: eid123_Dec-12_modelz[5]