Homing The Legs
Sometimes the table will be "stuck" and will only go down. Follow these steps to correct the issue:
- Press down button until the table reaches its lowest point and stops moving. Release the button for 1-2 seconds. Press down button again for 3-5 seconds and you will see the table home itself.
- Press up button until the table tops at the highest point and hold for 3-5 seconds. Press the down button for 2-3 seconds, then the up button again until it tops at the highest point and hold again for 3-5 seconds. (The goal is to have the table hold at it’s highest point twice.)
- If the legs ever fail to function properly, unplug the power cord, wait 10 seconds, plug the power cord back in and repeat the above steps.
- Legs must also be homed any time that power is disconnected from the legs.
- If the legs are not homed at both the top and the bottom, the table will only move at half its normal speed.