On-Slit Guiding with Target
Method 1:
When your target is bright and relatively unsaturated in the Slitview Camera.
- Choose "Center Balancing 2D" as a centroid algorithm.
- Place the target on the reference position by clicking the target, and "Go R" button.
- Sample the PSF by clicking the "Take PSF" button.
- dAX & dAY, dBX & dBY can be redefined for either AB nodding or On-Off nodding
- Click "Select A-B & Guide Postion" if these were changed.
- Click "Set Reference & Ready to Guide".
- In the DTP window select "Move A" and then "Start AB Box". --Watch guiding.
Off-Slit Guiding with guide star
Method 1: Unknown Offset (Target visible but faint) - click and guide.
Off-slit guiding when you see the target and the guide star in a slit camera view but don't know the offsets.
- Choose "2D Gaussian (M) Fitting" as a centroid algorithm.
- Place the target on the reference position by clicking the target, and "Go R" button.
- dAX & dAY, dBX & dBY can be redefined for either AB nodding or On-Off nodding
- Click "Select A-B & Guide Postion" is these were changed.
- Click "Use Guide Position".
- Click the guide star and "Sel G". Make sure the pink box moved on to the guide star.
- Click "Set Reference & Ready to Guide".
- In the DTP window select "Move A" and "Start Guide Box". --Watch guiding.
Method 2: Known Offset in Slit_length (dSL) and Slit_width (dSW)
Off-slit guiding with known offsets in slit length and slit width between a target and a guide star.
- Choose "2D Gaussian (M) Fitting" as a centroid algorithm.
- Click "Use Guide Position".
- Enter nod position and guide offsets.
- dAX & dAY, dBX & dBY can be redefined for either AB nodding or On-Off nodding.
- Type dGSL and dGSW values in for guide star.
- Click "Select A-B & Guide Position".
- Take a single exposure on the Slit Camera View (SCV) package
- Click the guide star on the Image Window.
- Click "Go G" button and take a single exposure to see the guide star moved to the pink box.
- Target is now located on the reference position ("R").
- Click "Set Reference & Ready to Guide".
- In the DTP window select "Move A" and "Start Guide Box". --Watch guiding.
Methods 3 and 4 are not available for 2014 Trimester 3.
Method 3: Known Offset in RA
Off-slit guiding with known offsets in RA & Dec between a (faint) target and a guide star.
Method 4: Known Offset in Pixels
Off-slit guiding with known offsets in Pixels between a (faint) target and a guide star.
- Choose "2D Gaussian (M) Fitting" as a centroid algorithm.
- Click "Use Guide Position" in DTP.
- Enter nod position and guide offsets.
- dAX & dAY, dBX & dBY can be redefined for either AB nodding or On-Off nodding.
- Type dGX and dGY values in pixels.
- Click "Select A-B & Guide Postion".
- Take a single exposure on the Slit Camera View (SCV) package
- Click the guide star on the Image Window.
- Click "Go G" button and take a single exposure to see the pink box moved to the guide star.
- Target is now located back on the reference position ("R").
- Click "Set R & Ready to Guide".
- "Move A" and "Start Guide Box". --Watch guiding.