At the end of the last night of IGRINS observing, the following steps must be completed before IGRINS is removed from the telescope.
- Home the calibration motors:
- Open a terminal window and type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- Type “python”, it will ask to close HKP.
- Follow the commands of that program to home the motors (select "0" to initialize then "5" to exit).
- Detector Shutdown:
- Using “Remote Desktop Connection” log onto each of the three detector computers to shutdown the detectors and Jade2 cards.
- IP Addresses for each computer are listed here:
- SVC:
- H:
- K:
- When logged into Windows navigate to the “HXRG Testing Software” window.
- In the top left panel, press the “RESET ASIC” button. This will grey out most of the other options on the panel.
- In the top left panel, uncheck the “ASIC Main Power” box to power down the detector.
- Close the “HXRG Testing Software” window
- Navigate to the “HalServiceApp” window.
- Press the “Stop” button.
- Close the “HalServiceApp” window.
- Using the Windows Start menu shut down the computer. Answer the question regarding shutdown.
- IP Addresses for each computer are listed here:
- Using “Remote Desktop Connection” log onto each of the three detector computers to shutdown the detectors and Jade2 cards.
- At this point IGRINS can be safely removed from the telescope. All other IGRINS hardware can be shutoff at the power strip.
- Leave the ICC and DSC running. Close all terminals and start the TeamViewer software on each system.
- Unplug the DSC display cable from the monitor to avoid confusion when other instruments are in use. Tuck ICC and DSC keyboards and mice back and out of easy reach.