To help protect your data, all systems managed by ITG are automatically backed up. Backup is handled completely behind the scenes and should not get in the way of your work.
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What is being backed up?
All work documents in your user folder.
All documents in the C:\Research folder.
All documents in the C:\Data folder.
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The following folders in your user folder Folders with the following names are not backed up. Note: movie, picture and video file types are backed up as long as they are not in one of these profile/user folders.
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A folder that is not inside of your user folder, c:\Research, or c:\Data.
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Left click on the CrashPlan icon in the system tray and look for the green check mark next to PROe-Cloud, US. If a backup is in progress, it's status will also be reflected here.
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To ensure the most consistent backup, the service uses a randomly generated machine account. If you need to recover a file(s), please submit a service request.