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MODS Element name: <relatedItem type="host" displayLabel="Digital collection">

Short definition: Digital collection/s in the DAMS or other access systems to which the asset belongs. Distinct from Source Collection.

Input guidelines: Input name, identifier, and/or URL of digital collections to which the asset belongs, such as those in other access systems. If you enter information about a collection to which an asset belongs as Source Collection, do not duplicate this information here.

Do not enter information about the parent collection in the DAMS.

Information about the DAMS parent collection of an asset is automatically added upon ingest.


Digital collection/s in the DAMS or other access systems to which the asset belongs. Distinct from Source Collection.

DAMS input form fields

Belongs to Digital Collection(s)

DAMS form field nameform field typerequiredMODS elementCollections Portal displaynotes
Digital Collection nametext fieldnorelatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/titleInfoRelated Resource - HostFor display in the Collections portal, information from this field is combined with information from other relatedItem elements. The respective type of information (e.g. Title) is added in parentheses.
Digital Collection URLtext fieldnorelatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/location/urlRelated Resource - HostFor display in the Collections portal, information from this field is combined with information from other relatedItem elements. The respective type of information (e.g. Title) is added in parentheses.
Digital Collection identifier (URI)text fieldnorelatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/identifier[@type="uri"]Related Resource - HostFor display in the Collections portal, information from this field is combined with information from other relatedItem elements. The respective type of information (e.g. Title) is added in parentheses.

MODS Element description

Element <relatedItem>

Guidelines for use

<relatedItem> is a container element for subelements describing a related resource.

Do not enter information about the parent collection in the DAMS.

Information about the DAMS parent collection of an asset is automatically added upon ingest.


Attribute name


XPath syntax examples



  • Digital collection

For DAMS metadata about a Digital Collection, the displayLabel and type attribute always co-occur with the values specified here.

relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]


  • host

For DAMS metadata about a Digital Collection, the displayLabel and type attribute always co-occur with the values specified here.

relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]


For information about a Digital Collection, the following subelements of <relatedItem> are used in the DAMS:

  • titleInfo
  • location
  • identifier

Subelement <relatedItem><titleInfo>

Guidelines for use

<titleInfo> is a container element that contains subelements related to title information.


Attribute name


XPath syntax examples



  • eng
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/titleInfo[@lang="eng"]


  • Digital collection name
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/titleInfo[@displayLabel="Digital collection name"]


For information about a Digital Collection, the following subelement of <titleInfo> is used in the DAMS:

  • title

Subelement <relatedItem><titleInfo><title>

Guidelines for use

Enter name of external digital collection in which the asset belongs.


No attributes for <title> are currently implemented in the DAMS.


No subelements for <title> are currently implemented in the DAMS.

Subelement <relatedItem><location>

Guidelines for use

<location> is a container element; specific data is recorded in the subelements.


No attributes for <location> are currently implemented in the DAMS.


For information about a Digital Collection, the following subelement of <location> is used in the DAMS:

  • url

Subelement <relatedItem><location><url>

Guidelines for use

<url> is for an electronic location from which the resource is available. Enter the URL of an external digital collection in which the asset belongs.


Attribute name


XPath syntax examples



  • Digital collection URL
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/location/url[@displayLabel="Digital collection URL"]


No subelements for <url>.

Subelement <relatedItem><identifier>

Guidelines for use

Enter URI of external digital collection in which the asset belongs.


Attribute name


XPath syntax examples



  • uri

For DAMS metadata about a Digital Collection, the displayLabel and type attribute always co-occur with the values specified here.

relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/identifier[@type="uri" and @displayLabel="Digital collection URI"]


  • Digital collection URI

For DAMS metadata about a Digital Collection, the displayLabel and type attribute always co-occur with the values specified here.

relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/identifier[@type="uri" and @displayLabel="Digital collection URI"]


No subelements for <identifier>.

XML Examples

<relatedItem displayLabel="Digital collection" type="host"> 
	<identifier type="uri" displayLabel="Digital collection URI>urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2</identifier>
		<url displayLabel="Digital collection URL"></url>
	<titleInfo lang="eng" displayLabel="Digital collection name">
		<title> Architecture Video Collection </title>


Dublin Core

Depending on the direction of mapping necessary, check

Specific guidelines for mapping information from the DAMS MODS relatedItem element to the Dublin Core <dc:relation> element have not been finalized.


See The following specific guidelines apply for the DAMS:

MARC 21 fieldMapping conditionMODS elementNotes
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital Collection"]/*Check local note in MARC field 590 for information about Digital Collection.


In general, all MODS metadata is imported into the DAMS Solr server upon ingest. The ingest process generates Solr fields typically named according to the following schema:



  • value* can be one or multiple element, subelement or attribute names that allow to distinguish Solr fields
  • suffix is s, t, ss, ms or mt, which refers to the type of data stored in a Solr field and how it is indexed. The Solr index usually contains multiple copies of each field with the same content, distinguished by their suffix.

The following table shows mappings between MODS elements and Solr fields for those fields that are currently used for display in the Collections portal, or where additional processing happens in Islandora or during the publishing process. Suffixes are ignored, unless relevant for the mapping.

MODS elementMapping conditionSolr DAMSSolr Collections PortalNotes
mods_relatedItem_identifierN/AAll relatedItem/identifier information is merged into a multivalued Solr field.


N/AAll identifier information for relatedItem elements of type host is merged into a multivalued Solr field.


N/AAll relatedItem/titleInfo/title information is merged into a multivalued Solr field.


N/AAll title information for relatedItem elements of type host is merged into a multivalued Solr field.


N/AAll relatedItem/location/url information is merged into a multivalued Solr field.
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/titleInfo/title



For display in the Collections portal, information from this element is combined with information from the relatedItem/location/url element and the relatedItem/identifier element. The respective type of information (in this case: title) is added in parentheses.
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/location/url
mods_host_related_resource_consolidatedmods_host_related_resource_consolidatedFor display in the Collections portal, information from this element is combined with information from the relatedItem/titleInfo/title element and the relatedItem/identifier element. The respective type of information (in this case: Digital collection URL) is added in parentheses.
relatedItem[@type="host" and @displayLabel="Digital collection"]/identifier[@type="uri"]
mods_host_related_resource_consolidatedmods_host_related_resource_consolidatedFor display in the Collections portal, information from this element is combined with information from the relatedItem/titleInfo/title element and the relatedItem/location/url element. The respective type of information (in this case: uri) is added in parentheses.
  • No labels