As a homework service, Quest is entirely capable of supporting online homework, learning modules (with lecture videos embedded), and exams remotely.
Exams can be constructed by selecting 'learning module' as the assignment type, and then selecting 'test mode'. You can enter in a specific amount of time students will have, and if you'd like, a window in which they will have to complete the assignment. We are currently testing both commercial and within-system proctoring options and will be communicating more shortly. A short overview of these options are included below*.
While many questions in Quest already offer random number generation to offer a unique problem to solve for each student, if you'd like to introduce more variability you can choose to pool questions together to ensure that all students don’t have the same questions either.
Q: Is it possible to give an hour time limit on the exam, but the exam can be taken at any time on a particular day for a student?
A: Yes, absolutely. In order to do this set the (start date/due date during the full window you'd like students to be able to take the exam. Then enter in the time limit. Once a student proceeds off of the initial instruction slide of the learning module their timer will start; at the end of the expired time they will be prevented from accessing their exam any more (even if the window the assignment is open is still in duration).
Q: Some of my students have extended time accommodations. Can this be accounted for?
A: Yes, please just send us (at the unique the student is in, the students' eids, and how much more time (1.5x, 2x, etc) each is to be granted. We will ensure the students receive this accommodation for all of your Quest assignments this semester
Q: I was planning for a bubble sheet exam, but now need to make it online. Is there a direct way to do this?
A: Yes, in just a few clicks you can get your preexisting test set up for remote administration. Navigate to your original exam and click on the export questions on the left side bar. In a separate tab create a new assignment, a learning module in test mode. Next, navigate to the left side bar in your new learning module and click 'import questions'. Copy and paste the existing questions from your original assignment's exam into this new learning module. Double check when the new learning module is open to students on the setting page and publish it!
*Proctoring Tools
Quest in house (under development): Snapshots of a proctoring video feed will be offered to instructors to uphold academic integrity concerns. Please email for more information and to make suggestions on this front.
Approved by UT information security office (iso):
Protorio (the school of nursing has used this extensively, contact Sean White for more info)