Please note that the use of SOA Technology Lab Services including equipment checkout, printing, plotting, and digital fabrication is restricted to members of the SOA community (faculty, staff, and students). Plotting does not require the Digital Fabrication subscription.


Pricing & Payment

A What-I-Plotted statement will be sent directly to your email for you to review the itemized charges and those charges are sent to your What-I-Owe weekly. More information about these charges can be found on Understanding WIO Charges.

The Plotting Costs & Estimates page provides detailed information on plot pricing.

What-I-Plotted Charge Disputes

If you notice an issue on your What-I-Plotted statement, you must reach out to for assistance.

Quality Issues

If your plot has quality issues this could be a result of either your file or the plotting equipment. Technology Lab staff can assist you in identifying where the issue originated from and will work with you to resolve it or document the incident for review.

File Issues

The submitter is responsible for the cost of the plot if the issue falls within the list of potential issues below. If the file is changed and submitted, the submitter is responsible for the cost of the initial plot and the corrected plot.

Quality problems may be indicative of an issue with the file. Those issues may present themselves in multiple ways:

Equipment Issues

The submitter is responsible for notifying Technology Lab staff of equipment issues as soon as they are noticed. Any plots submitted after the initial report until the issue is resolved will be subject to administrative review to determine a final discounted cost across all affected submitters. Our Student Technicians aren't authorized to determine these costs.

Please report any quality issues to Technology Lab staff ASAP. If you don't make us aware, then we can't investigate the cause.


Errors on the Plotter

If the KIP plotters have a system error, they automatically replot your file with no intervention, and you will only be charged once.

Last UpdatedSpring 2024