AboutWhat does the School of Architecture Render Farm have to offer?contro The render farm offers rendering for Autodesk 3DS Max (Scanline, ART, VUE, VRay, Arnold), Rhino3D (Rhino Render, VRay), and Blender 3D. NOTE: The UTSOA Render Farm currently accepts render jobs from the following versions: 3DS MAX 2024, RHINO 7.x, Blender 3D 3.5.1. Render Farm Workflow
Rendering Types Rendering is the process of creating either a high resolution image or a series of image file lists that are combined to create an animation. Distributed rendering is a technique for distributing a single render job within a single frame across many computers in a network. There are different approaches of doing this, but the main concept is to reduce the render times by dividing the rendering and giving multiple workstations different parts of the job. The most common way to do this is to divide the frame to be rendered into small regions (tiles/buckets) and distribute to multiple machines to render a number of them. Using the "Tileframe" feature in the Royal Render Submitter Tool will divvy up your render in as many tiles as you specify up to 30. This means you can utilize up to 30 Render Farmers at once, reducing your overall render time by 30x. Then get the results and combine them into the final image or animation. UTSOA Render Farm Structure
Render Farm Setup
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