Time Clocks



ID #SC.0015
Decision Makers

Project Tech - Steering Committee

Stakeholders to EngageAthletics, Rec Sports, Housing and Food
OutcomeSee detailed outcome below
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date


  • There will not be a university-wide sponsored physical time clock
  • We will use the web clock in workday and this will be the standard solution for campus
  • H&F will continue working with their vendor on their time clock system (good progress) to meet the deadlines for testing (design in Aug and developed by end of October) but the Steering Committee wants it noted that after Go Live, it should be a goal to continue to look for ways to remove the physical time clock system and replace it with Workday’s web clock as the campus standard.
  • Athletics – will use the workday web clock for Go Live and re-evaluate if that meets their needs post- Go Live
  • Rec Sports – retiring their blue timesheet web system in favor of workday web clock

These decisions were made during an August 2017 Steering Committee Meeting. Supporting email from Associate VP, Dana Cook, attached to this decision.


Description of the decision to be made:

TimePro is DHFS' current time clock system and they would like to continue to use it with Workday.  Other areas of campus such as Athletics have also expressed interest in using a time clock to capture time to then be sent to Workday.  The program needs to make a decision as to the scope of which a time clock solution, integrated with Workday, will be implemented. 

Recommended Stakeholders to engage:

Athletics, Housing & Food, other campus users of time clocks

Implementation options:

  • The TimePro integrations will continue and scope may increase to include more than DHFS; or

  • The project will develop one solution (in-house) for capturing time via time clocks and offer to any area of campus who has a need to use; or

  • External time clocks will not be used with Workday and only the Workday web-clock will be available.