Bridging - Decoupled FDM



ID #SC.0025
Decision MakersWorkday Steering Committee
Stakeholders to Engage 
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date

Description of the decision to be made

DEFINE will continue to be the “System of Record” for all financial transactions. Because of that, we will continue to use the DEFINE Chart of Accounts for all financial transactions (including Payroll transactions). The FDM in Workday will be made of a subset of the DEFINE Chart of Accounts. Only the relevant parts of the DEFINE Chart of Accounts that are needed to post the payroll will be brought into Workday.  These include:


DEFINE Object Codes:                     configured as a Ledger Worktag in Workday

State Object Codes:                        configured as a hierarchy to the Ledger Workday

DEFINE Account Numbers:           configured as cost centers in Workday


A decision on what the right set of active accounts to bring over from DEFINE to Workday will need to be made in the next three months.  


Concerns/Feedback/Outstanding from subcommittee

The subcommittee and project are not ready to make a decision on the types of active accounts that should be brought over from DEFINE to Workday.


Recommendation from subcommittee on July 26, 2017

Move forward with the decoupled FDM explained herein and monitor the decision of what accounts will be brought over to Workday.



The decoupled FDM decision is the most fundamental decision to be made and should therefore be made based on the recommendation from the subcommittee presented at the July 26, 2017 steering committee meeting. 


Recommended decision maker

ASMP Steering Committee based on recommendation from ASMP Bridging Subcommittee


Recommended Campus Stakeholders to Engage

ASMP Bridging Team (includes payroll, accounting, budget, sponsored projects)

ASMP Bridging Subcommittee



Action items
