Frozen Leave Balances

ID #SC.0010
Decision MakersWorkday Steering committee
Stakeholders to EngageRobin, Adrienne, Leslie/Jerome and Jen
OutcomeSee Recommendation
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date

Description of the decision to be made:

Employees who have previously accrued leave in a leave-eligible position and move to a non-leave eligible position, have frozen leave balances.   


For employees with a leave balance at go-live, their balance will remain frozen and be paid out upon termination.  Workday reports and alerts will catch employees with payable balances that are moving from eligible to non-eligible status.  

Beginning at go-live, employees moving from leave eligible to non-leave eligible will have any payable balances paid out to them at the time of the job change.   

A decision on this would ideally be made prior to September 22, the configuration freeze date, since Workday configuration could be impacted if the decision were to be changed.

The University Budget Council decided to perform the manual work of moving the balances to Workday. Once in Workday, we would adopt the practice of paying out frozen leave balances at the time of transition in order to not continue to grow the university-wide frozen leave balance. Since that decision was made, the university has new financial leadership that is now re-assessing this decision and validating whether this decision will go forward. Adrienne Howarth-Moore noted that configuration in Workday has been set up to trigger a pay out of frozen vacation balances at the time of transition. A decision on this would ideally be made prior to September 22, the configuration freeze date, since Workday configuration could be impacted if the decision were to be changed.

Recommended Campus Stakeholders to Engage

HR Benefits, HR Records, Academic Personnel Services, Payroll

Related Documentation:

HCM-3258 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Faculty Unpaid Absence Overview
