FMLA: Time Off vs. Leave



ID #SC.0021
Decision MakersAdrienne Howarth-Moore
Stakeholders to EngageHR
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date

Link to FMLA Issue Document: contains full summary





For tracking FMLA-protected absences, Workday delivered functionality is not a match for UT business needs. Initially this was documented as a gap, however a viable, if unorthodox, workaround has been developed in Absence.

Summary of Requirements

* Ability to track FMLA-protected absences that are full or partial days, continuous or intermittent, and short-term or extended.

* Ability to award a portion of the FMLA entitlement of 480 hours based upon medical certification of necessity.

* Ability to designate usage of FMLA-protected absence to a specific date range based upon medical certification of necessity.

* Ability to set system validations to prevent usage in excess of the total awarded hours or outside the designated dates.

* Ability for the employee, manager, and other authorized users to view total hours awarded and a running balance of hours available, as well as begin and end dates of designated date range.

* Ability to process extensions of date range and/or hours awarded.

* Ability to process multiple concurrent awards for an employee.

* Ability for the employee, manager, and other authorized users to determine begin/end dates and awarded hours for concurrent awards and extensions.

* Ability to require concurrent usage of paid time off during FMLA-protected absence, and to draw down the balances of various types of paid time off used concurrently.

* Ability to reduce employee’s salary when paid time off balance is exhausted.

* Ability to accurately calculate payroll, including deductions, for full and partial calendar months of unpaid absence.

Action items

Functional Team To-Do's

  • Krista Hadavi To provide list of earnings and deductions and whether the unpaid status should stop. In reference to pg 3 of FMLA Document 
  • Jerome LeBlanc to look into other HR-related statutory reports HRIS? ref pg 3 of FMLA Document 
  • State Service Intergration 
  • Confirm this is true for all Downstream effects ref page 2 of FMLA Document 

Decision Checklist

  • Pending Business Decision has been defined
  • Background and associated business requirement(s) for the decision have been identified
  • Collect relevant documentation (JIRA, SharePoint, other) and log in associated Decision within Confluence
  • Delegate Business Ownership, Engagement Lead, Presenter, campus Stakeholders, and final decision maker (e.g.,  Business Process Owner, CUBO, Steering Committee, other)
  •  Identify timeframe. Decision should be reached before the associated work stream Design Confirmation Session(s) (Staff, Academic, Student, Payroll).
  •  Confirm target dates to bring Business Decisions to Steering Committee for review, including Steering Committee meeting date and date by which Upcoming Workday Decision Points summary must be completed for inclusion in Steering Committee meeting packet (typically 7-10 days before the meeting)
  • Once target dates have been defined, add decision to list of pending decisions for inclusion in the next Steering Committee packet. Ideally, this should occur at least one meeting in advance of the meeting during which the decision will be discussed and reached.
  • Recommended criteria  for reaching decision identified and documented
  • Log and register risk(s) associated with the decision
  • Complete template for the Steering Committee (See below)
  • Attend Steering Committee meeting and present decision to be made
  • Document the outcome of the decision as it applies to Workday
  • Create a plan for how the decision will be communicated to stakeholders/campus

Pending Decisions for Discussion by ASMP-Workday Steering Committee

The following items will be presented to the ASMP-Workday Steering Committee for discussion and decision on the date indicated.

Brief Description of Pending Decision

Date of Discussion