Mass Transaction Process in Workday



ID #SC.0013
Decision Makers

Project  - HCM/Payroll business owners

Stakeholders to Engage 
OutcomeSee recommendation
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date

Description of the decision to be made

There are specific times of year that yield a greater number of HR/Academic transactions on campus.  In addition, the ability to pool positions and send through the approval chain in one document will not be available in Workday.  In order to accommodate the volume of HCM transactions that occur during certain times of the year, a plan to mitigate the risk of needing to process large volumes of HR/Academic transactions within a specific window of time needs to be addressed.



The project team and business owners for HCM and Academic have agreed that a process by which CSUs can submit their transactions in a mass format (spreadsheet) to a central team for input into Workday is needed and will be provided to campus.  This process will entail routine communication to CSUs and the publishing of both the processes and the deadlines associated with each process.  Areas that have already been identified for use of this process are student employment and non-tenure track faculty.   The technical mechanism by which mass transactions will be loaded will be Workday’s Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB). 



Refinement to the scope and details of this process (such as how approvals will be tracked) will occur between now and the testing phase of the project (due to begin early 2018).  The processes will be incorporated into the project’s testing scenarios and as we approach go-live, the process will be incorporated into outwardly facing process documents, training and routine communication to campus users. 


Recommended Campus Stakeholders to Engage

End users: during design confirmation (test case collection) and end user testing