2023-01-27 Meeting notes



Discussion items

266L Lara

Lara L Pauley will email about it

Playground All 

Emily and Adriana and class is doing all playground setup, cleanup, etc.



  • Family and Adult Learners
Odds & Ends

Office OLE! site

Bonnie with Sprouting Teachers

  • Good lettuce and spinach. Lots of dead things.
  • How to share limited resource?
    • If you just cut the leaves of lettuce (and spinach), it'll keep growing.
    • Tear up into bites for students can try. If you have two plants, but have each taste a bite sized tear and vote on which they like best.
      • Kids can cut it too!
      • Add a dip or salt (smile)
    • Wash it in a tub.
  • Even though plants look dead, they're just dormant (resting). 
  • Lemon trees are gone. They're growing back from below the graft. Replace with another lemon tree?? Fruit tree options: Pomegranate tree. Fig tree, but gets huge and can be irritating to skin. Think about maintenance. For moss, maybe not enough moisture.
  • Family Day for playground - Outdoor Lab Collab and Social Committee work together
    • End of March
    • Two groups could do the planning. Let the parents do the planning.
    • Warm season planting - first two weeks of March (tomatoes-deep rooted, cucumbers-climbing, peppers, squash, zucchini, eggplant, green beans-climbing) - everything transplants
    • Add a lair of compost before planting spring vegetables
    • To plant something for summer, wait until the end of semester (planting pumpkins in April will be ready in October)
      • Vegetables take a lot of sun
      • Could move the native plants from the big shed area and plant there. But maybe too close to trike path? (lightbulb)  Need to find a sunny place for vegetables 
      • Now is the perfect time to move perennials. 
    • How classes plant: Come up with a master plan to show where things will be planted and have classes sign-up to plant them.
      • Eden interns can help with something
  • Composting
    • soil exploration over by the in-ground area (mushroom or cotton bur compost)
    • Verma composter - contained. Younger kids are fascinated with it.
    • Check boxes before purchasing anything. Think about the location (if things go wrong). What does active management look like? Turning it.Balancing what you're putting in.
  • August
    • Need to be a work day
    • Inventory and organization of shed
    • Make garden part of weekly meetings and have an agenda. Will get shortened version of garden leadership meetings
    • Wake garden up and get rid of old dead plants
    • Update or review watering schedule (haven't needed one)
    • Schedule for outreach in sororities and fraternities
      • UT Farmer's Market twice a month
      • Think creatively about places to find volunteers to the right groups
    • Ongoing professional development about gardening once a semester about actual gardening
    • Two months each Friday meeting. In Folder.
  • Next meeting in February - what does that purchase look like?
    • Teachers will email Emily plants that their classes will be interested in 
    • Emily will collect list of things to grow and map out where things will be planted.
  • (star)Add garden to PFL!

Research Craziness

Thinkery Professional Development Plans

Amanda out next week

Action items
