
General Guidelines

Always check your Registration Information Sheet prior to registration to identify any bars that might prevent you from registering and to see your individual registration access times. You will need both the Course Name (Ex: EDC 383F, Curriculum Theory) and the Unique Number (5 digits) to register for classes.

Departmental Registration

For questions related to C&I registration, please contact the Graduate Program Administrator and Graduate Coordinator. They can assist students in registering for departmental classes only. If you have difficulty registering for an out of department elective, please contact that department’s administration.


Check the Office of the Registrar’s Advising page for information on requirements.

To clear an advising bar, send a signed Advising Bar Removal Form, or have your advisor send an email to Stephen Flynn stating you have been advised. Include your EID and the appropriate semester in this email. College of Education Undergraduates should see their Undergraduate Advisor. Graduate students must be advised by their program area advisor (click the Program Advisors tab) before registering for courses.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Add/Drop may be done online at the beginning of each semester Check the Registrar’s academic calendar for deadlines.

To make changes after online registration has closed, you will need to contact the department offering the course. For EDC, ALD, and STM courses, contact Ann Ford or turn in a Departmental Add/Drop Form. Payment for added classes must be received by the 12th class day deadline or classes will be cancelled.

Changing Grade Status

Students may change the grade status of their courses from a letter grade to credit/no credit on-line during add/drop period. Check the Registrar’s academic calendar for deadlines.

To change your grade status outside of the online registration period, you must go through the departmental office and fill out a Departmental Add/Drop Form. 

Special Cases: Individual Instruction and Restricted Courses

Individual Instruction

Courses with no organized meeting time are designated Individual Instruction. This includes Directed Research, Independent Study, Thesis, and Internship as well as Dissertation hours. These are all restricted by the department. To register for any of these courses, with the exception of dissertation hours, an Individual Instruction Consent Form must be completed, signed by your instructor and turned in to the C&I graduate student services office in SZB 436. Then you must register for the course online.

Note: EDC (C&I), and  STM (STEM Education) each have their own forms for individual instruction consent.

Restricted Courses

Courses may be restricted by the department for a variety of reasons, and require instructor permission in order to enroll. Turn in a signed Departmental Add/Drop Form, or ask the instructor to send an email to the Graduate Program Administrator and Graduate Coordinator requesting that you be added to the course. Please include your EID and the course unique number.

All versions of EDC 398T Supervised Teaching are restricted courses and require special permission. Please see registration forms for specifics.