Cohort Registration

FALL 2024

Cohort Registration Information for FALL 2024 is posted below. Please check this page periodically for updates.

All EC-6 ESL and EC-6 Bilingual students must register using the cluster unique number for their assigned cohort rather than using individual course unique numbers. Students are not allowed to enroll in any courses other than PDS courses without prior approval.

Assignment of course instructors, times of classes, rooms, and field times are subject to change.

Questions about schedules should be directed to Education Services at 512-471-1511 or to .

Registration Help

If you have trouble registering using the cluster unique number, please e-mail Education Services at .

Your e-mail should include the following information:

    • Full Name
    • UT EID
    • Cohort Letter
    • PDS Semester (Intern I / Intern II / Intern III/ Student Teacher)

Intern I

Cohort H - Intern I - EC-6 ESL

Intern II

Cohort E - Intern II - EC-6 ESL

Cohort G - Intern II - EC-6 ESL

Cohort K - Intern II - EC-6 ESL

Cohort Y - Intern II - EC-6 Bilingual

Intern III

Cohort F - Intern III - Special Education

Student Teaching

Cohort P - Student Teaching - EC-6 ESL