Grievance Procedures

A graduate student has the right to seek redress of any grievance related to their academic issues that are relevant to the student's progress towards a graduate degree. Every effort should be made to resolve grievances informally between the student and the faculty member most directly involved or, if such efforts fail, by contacting the following administrative faculty in the following order: the ECE Graduate Advisor, the chair of the ECE GSC, and/or the chair of the ECE department. When serious issues cannot be resolved informally, a graduate student has recourse to the formal grievance procedure. A graduate student will not be retaliated against for filing a formal grievance. A graduate student who believes they have been retaliated against should immediately report their concern to an associate or assistant dean of Graduate Studies. Allegations of retaliation will be referred to the appropriate office for review.

More information can be found on the graduate school website Under VII. Responsibilities & Procedures, find Letter E. Student Grievances: