Signal-to-Noise Estimates

Signal-to-Noise Estimates

For Vega, which is a telluric standard A0V star, the IGRINS Exposure Time Calculator (Version 2.11) gives the estimates shown in the figure below.  

The figure shows S/N estimates for 30 & 300 second exposure times with a quad (e.g. ABBA) exposure set.

Park et al. (2014; SPIE Proceedings) find that the observed S/N is ~83% of the predicted value. 

Based of IGRINS ETC v2.11 and the deviation from predictions of 83% from Park et al. (2014; SPIE Proceedings), a rough value for the S/N for an A0V star can be estimated using the following equation:

S/N ~ 273*sqrt(N*t)*10^(-0.2*Kmag)

where N = # of exposures, t = exposure time in seconds, Kmag = K-band magnitude.

As a rough guide, the peak counts in the continuum of a single exposure can be examined to guide the final SNR.


Peak counts in single frame continuum:SNR (per res.) for one ABBAfor 2 ABBA quads


150  100140
300  140200
600  200280
1000  250360

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